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Ukraine confirms it has killed Iranian military advisers in Crimea

Ukraine confirms it has killed Iranian military advisers in Crimea

Ukraine confirms it has killed Iranian military advisers in Crimea

The secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of UkraineOleksiy Danilov has confirmed that Iran’s military advisers have been killed in crimeaas reported this Friday by the British newspaper “The Guardian”.

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In an interview with this outlet in kyiv, Danilov also warned that any Iranian who is in any of the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia It will become a military objective.

The person in charge assured that several Iranian advisers were detected in crimeawhere they have provided help to the Russian Army to pilot the “Shahed-136” armed drones, supplied by the Tehran regime, although it did not specify how many have been killed.

“The Guardian” cited Israeli media reports indicating that up to ten Iranian advisers have been killed as a result of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in that part of the country.

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“They shouldn’t be where they shouldn’t be. They were in our territory. We do not invite them and if they are collaborating with terrorists and participating in the destruction of our nation, we must kill them.”Danilov declared.

The British newspaper recalls that Iran has only acknowledged that it supplied a “small number” of drones to Moscow months before the invasion of Ukraine last February, but denies that his advisers are on the ground to help the Russian military operate them now from occupied territories.

“The Iranians keep insisting that they do not supply weapons to the Russian Federation, but we need confirmation. Do we have this confirmation today? No, we don’t have it.” Danilov stressed.

He added that the aforementioned drones need “people trained to operate them” and, in this sense, he opined that “the Russians have no brains” to “learn it by themselves.”

Danilov also assured that it is not clear if Iran is supplying to Russia ballistic missiles.

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This interview, observed “The Guardian”, was carried out after the recent Russian withdrawal from the southern city of Kherson, which raises questions about the course of action of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the coming months.

In this regard, Danilov avoided commenting on whether the military advance will be slowed down by winter conditions, by the natural barrier presented by the Dnipro River or by Moscow’s unpredictable response to the hypothetical loss of crimeaan issue that “generates nervousness” among Western allies, according to the newspaper.

“We must defend our country and free it from terrorists at any time of the year. It doesn’t matter what seasonreplied the secretary, who recognized that the Dnipro is “one more obstacle to overcome” that “can be carried out with modern equipment and weapons.”

“Until all of our territory is free, our army cannot stop, and that includes Crimea and other territories,” Danilov settled.

Source: Elcomercio

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