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Russia rejects any declaration of a country as a “terrorist state”

Russia rejects any declaration of a country as a “terrorist state”

Russia rejects any declaration of a country as a “terrorist state”

Russia consistently rejects the doctrine of declaring certain countries as “terrorist states”, used as a justification for meddling in their internal affairs by “some unscrupulous states”, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov declared today.

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“Russia has always defended and consistently defends the line of rejection of the doctrine of ‘state terrorism’ periodically used by some unscrupulous states to justify interference in the affairs that fall within the competence of other states”, he said in a statement published by Foreign Affairs.

syromolotov attacked the statement Russia as a state promoter of terrorism by the European Parliament for its “deliberate attacks and atrocities committed against the Ukrainian population”, noting that these attempts are not something new and that the main instigator of them has been kyiv for eight years.

This resolution, he explained, “it is part of the political and informational campaign carried out by the West against our country and has nothing in common with the real situation of the fight against international terrorism”.

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“Russia has always shown itself as a responsible participant in the fight against terrorism”indicated.

According to the Russian diplomat, “if some countries or the European Parliament feel like looking for the real terrorists, we call on them to look more closely at what happened recently in the Baltic and Black seas, instead of participating in the parade of props resolutions”.

The Russian Vice Foreign Minister recalled that Moscow has repeatedly called on the international community to join forces in this direction, while in the 1990s the West supported terrorists operating in the North Caucasus by offering them support with weapons. and ammunition.

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However, he rejected the possibility that Russia measure “unfriendly countries” with the same standards and declare them “terrorist states”, since it would be a measure “pseudosymmetrical and legally flawed, which would mean that we go hand in hand with our opponents, thoughtlessly copying the terminologies that we consistently criticize.”

“We believe that following other people’s illegal approaches would be wrong. We will not resemble the violators of international law.”he added.

Source: Elcomercio

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