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The death toll in a young man’s attack on schools in Brazil rises to four

The death toll in a young man’s attack on schools in Brazil rises to four

The death toll in a young man’s attack on schools in Brazil rises to four

A woman injured by a young man who shot at two schools in the city the day before Brazilian from Aracruz died this Saturday in the hospital where she was admitted, bringing the number of deaths in those attacks to four.

The fourth victim, a 38-year-old teacher, died in a hospital in Aracruz, a city in the interior of the state of Espiritu Santo, which she had been admitted the day before, after the attack perpetrated by a 16-year-old against two schools in that city.

Look: Brazil: alleged perpetrator of shootings at two schools arrested

The event left another three dead (two teachers and a twelve-year-old student) and ten people are still hospitalized, resulting in injuries of varying severity.

The attacker, a former student of one of the educational centers and whose identity has not been revealed because he is a minor, was arrested hours after the attack and confessed to the crime, which he said he had planned for two years, although he did not explain the reason. .

This Friday morning, during school hours, the young man entered the Primo Bitti school, where he was enrolled until last June, went to the teachers’ room and opened fire at will against a group of teachers who were together.

Then he went to the Praia do Coqueiral Educational Center, a private school located on the same avenue, shot several children and fled.

Police arrested him hours later, at a family home, and the teenager immediately confessed to the crime.

The governor of Espíritu Santo, Renato Casagrande, said at a press conference that the young man has a “mental health problem” and is receiving psychiatric care.

He also revealed that the young man, who at the time of the attack was wearing a swastika on his clothes, is the son of a police officer and that he used a semi-automatic pistol and a revolver, both owned by his father, for the attack.

The crime caused a shock in Brazil and was condemned by the president-elect, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who will assume power on January 1.

Lula said that he received the events “with sadness” and expressed his “solidarity with the relatives of the victims of this absurd tragedy”, which until now has not been commented on by the current head of state, Jair Bolsonaro.

Source: Elcomercio

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