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Ephemeris of November 27: this happened in the world on a day like today

Ephemeris of November 27: this happened in the world on a day like today

Ephemeris of November 27: this happened in the world on a day like today

On November 27, 2012, 10 years ago, the remains of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who died in 2004, are exhumed due to the possibility that he could have been poisoned.


1868.- The Emperor of Japan moves his residence from the city of Kyoto to Yedowhich would take the name of Tokyo.

1895.- The Swedish scientist and millionaire Alfredo Nobel establishes in his will five annual prizes that will bear his name.

LOOK: The United States authorizes the oil company Chevron to resume operations in Venezuela due to the resumption of dialogue

1912.- The Franco-Spanish Treaty on Morocco is signed which grants Spain the northern part of the country.

1949.- The conservative candidate Laureano Gómez wins the presidential elections in Colombia.

1970.- Paul VI suffers a frustrated attack in Manila (Philippines).

1971.- The Soviet probe Mars-2 reaches Mars. Although the landing did not go well and ended up crashing, it was the first object to reach the red planet.

1978.- In Turkey, Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is founded.

1983.- 181 people die when a Boeing 747 of the Colombian company Avianca crashes in Mejorada del Campo (Madrid). when he was preparing to land at the Barajas airport.

1985.- Halley’s comet reaches the closest point of its orbit to Earth: 92.9 million km away.

1990.- The British Conservative Party elects John Major party leader and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom replacing Margaret Thatcher.

1992.- A fire destroys part of the Viennese imperial palace of Hofburg, former residence of Empress Elizabeth “Sissi”.

1994.- Julio María Sanguinetti repeats as president of Uruguay after winning the elections.

1996.- The Ozone Summit concludes in Costa Ricain which the environment ministers of the 164 participating countries approve mandatory measures to protect the ozone layer.

1999.- Labor Helen Clark becomes the first head of Government of New Zealand after the victory of the Liberal Party in the elections.

2006.- The former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet remains under house arrest and awaiting trial as the alleged perpetrator of the kidnapping and murder of two prisoners from the “Caravan of Death”.

2008.- The Barcelona writer Juan Marsé is awarded the Cervantes Prize.

2009.- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) condemns Iran for the opacity of its nuclear program.

2012.- Bon Jovi publishes his second live album, Inside Out.

2013.- Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is expelled from the Senate after his sentence to four years in prison for tax fraud.

2019.- The Brazilian Justice ratifies and increases to 17 years and 1 month in prison a second sentence against former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for the crimes of passive corruption and money laundering.

2020.- French archaeologist, François Desset, manages to decipher linear Elamite, a system used in Iran 4,400 years ago, which dismantles the Mesopotamian origin of writing.


1865.- José Asunción SilvaColombian poet.

1921.- Alexander DubceckCzechoslovakian politician.

1942.- Jimmy HendrixAmerican musician and singer.

-Manolo BlahnikSpanish fashion designer, famous for his shoe brand.

[1945-FelipeCampuzanoSpanish pianist and composer.

1960.- Yulia Tymoshenko, ukrainian politician.


1811.- Gaspar Melchor de JovellanosSpanish politician and writer.

[1945-JoséMaríaSertSpanish painter.

1953.- Eugene Gladstone O’NeillAmerican playwright, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1936.

1982.- Federico Carlos Sainz de RoblesSpanish writer.

1983.- Manuel EscorzaPeruvian writer.

1998.- Gloria FuertesSpanish poet.

2007.- Agustin ÚbedaSpanish painter.

2011.- Ken Russell, British filmmaker.

2021.- Almudena Grandes, Spanish writer.

Source: Elcomercio

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