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Kim Jong-un says North Korea will have the most powerful nuclear force in the world

Kim Jong-un says North Korea will have the most powerful nuclear force in the world

Kim Jong-un says North Korea will have the most powerful nuclear force in the world

The leader of North Korea, kim jong unsaid his country aspires to have the most powerful nuclear force in the world, celebrating the launch of its newest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), state media reported on Sunday.

Kim also awarded promotions to more than 100 civil servants and scientists for their work at the Hwasong 17, What analysts call the “monster missile” and which is believed to reach the continental United States within days of its test launch.

LOOK: Kim Jong-un appears accompanied by his daughter supervising the launch of a “monster missile”

Kim hailed the new ICBM as “the world’s most powerful strategic weapon” and assured that North Korean scientists have given “a marvelous leap in the technological development of mounting nuclear warheads on ballistic missiles.” the official KCNA news agency reported.

Building the nuclear force to protect the dignity and sovereignty of the state and the people “is the greatest and most important revolutionary cause, and its goal is to have the most powerful strategic force, the absolute force unprecedented in the century,” he declared. Kim at the promotion ceremony.

LOOK: North Korea doubles down on its defiance of the world by launching an ICBM intercontinental missile that landed near Japan

The promoted officials and scientists demonstrated to the world the “goal of building the strongest army in the world,” he added.

Kim Jong-un with his daughter posing with soldiers who helped test fire the new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). / AFP).

The Hwasong 17 launch vehicle was proclaimed “DPRK (North Korea) Hero,” KCNA said in a separate report.

“It clearly demonstrated to the world that the DPRK is a full-fledged nuclear power,” according to the agency.

Hong Min, from the Korea Institute for National Unification, said the celebration of the Hwasong 17 launch is aimed at raising his country’s image as a nuclear power.

“If he hwasong 15 of 2017 focused on becoming the country that can threaten the US territory with nuclear weapons, the new missile aims to become the most powerful state with ballistic missiles,” he said.

“Unlimited Strengthening”

Since 2006, the UN Security Council has passed numerous resolutions imposing sanctions against Pyongyang for its missile and nuclear activity.

During a photo op on Saturday with officials and scientists involved in the missile launch, Kim called for “unlimited strengthening of the defensive force,” KCNA said.

Kim He urged scientists and workers to “expand and strengthen the nuclear deterrent at an exceptionally fast rate.”

The official Rodong Sinmun daily published numerous photos of Kim with his “beloved daughter,” who appeared for the first time in public images during the launch of the ICBMs In the past week.

Until then, the state media had never mentioned Kim’s children. In fact, the week’s post was the first official confirmation that she has a daughter, according to experts.

Kim Jong-un walks with his 10-year-old daughter, Ju Ae, at a missile launch center, in an image that brings together the power of the Kim family and the threat of its nuclear program.  (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP, File)

Kim Jong-un walks with his 10-year-old daughter, Ju Ae, at a missile launch center, in an image that brings together the power of the Kim family and the threat of its nuclear program. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP, File) (朝鮮通信社/)

The footage shows a girl believed to be Kim’s second daughter, Ju Ae, dressed in a black fur coat holding her father’s arm as she passed the giant missile.

Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, said the daughter’s presence was meant to portray the Hwasong 17 as “the protector of the future generation.”

“It seems that (Kim) will continue to display her daughter on various occasions and use her as propaganda,” he added.

The ICBM firing on Nov. 18 was the latest in a wave of North Korean missile launches that raised fears in Seoul and Washington that they could lead to another nuclear test by Pyongyang.

Source: Elcomercio

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