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Iran detains a niece of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for criticizing the “murderous child-murdering regime”

Iran detains a niece of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for criticizing the “murderous child-murdering regime”

Iran detains a niece of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for criticizing the “murderous child-murdering regime”

The authorities of Iran A niece of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was detained after she was videotaped calling the Iranian government a “child-killing, murderous regime.”

Farideh Moradkhani belongs to a branch of the family historically opposed to the religious rulers of Iran and has already been imprisoned in the country.

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Her brother, Mahmud Moradkhani, tweeted that she had been arrested on Wednesday after being summoned by the prosecution.

On Saturday, her brother posted a video on YouTube of Farideh Moradkhani condemning the “clear and obvious oppression” suffered by Iranians and criticizing the inaction of the international community.

“Free people, stay with us! Tell your governments to stop supporting this murderous and child-killing regime,” Khamenei’s niece declared.

It is not known when the video was recorded, in which the Iranian complains that the sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic for the repression of the protests are “laughable” and denounces that her compatriots are “alone” in their fight for the freedom.

Moradkhani is the daughter of Ali Khamenei’s sister, named Badri, who burned bridges with her family and fled to Iraq in the 1980s, during the war between that country and the Islamic Republic.

He has become known as an activist against the death penalty. She was arrested in January of this year, after having praised the widow of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, overthrown by the 1979 Islamic Revolution, during a videoconference.

She was released on bail in April, according to the NGO Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA).

Source: Elcomercio

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