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Venezuela commemorates the 30th anniversary of the attempted coup against Carlos Andrés Pérez

Venezuela commemorates the 30th anniversary of the attempted coup against Carlos Andrés Pérez

Venezuela commemorates the 30th anniversary of the attempted coup against Carlos Andrés Pérez

The highest authorities of Venezuela commemorated this Sunday the 30th anniversary of the coup attempt on November 27, 1992, against the then president Carlos Andrés Pérez, which they described as a “great political and cultural rupture.”

“At that time there was (…) a great political rupture, a great cultural rupture, a great creative rupture with the old structures of the old bourgeois democracy, of the democracy of elites (…) a rupture that was maturing battle after battle affirmed the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduroin a televised event.

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He added that this “rupture” was “inevitable, urgent and necessary”, and that it was embodied as an “idea, as a theory, for a new republican era, in that blue book written by that Barinese boy Hugo Chavez Friasthat cadet predestined to greatness”.

“We have to know that (in) these long 30 years that we have lived, our military forces, today our Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), with all its components, merged with the people, that is to say that our military forces returned to their popular roots”, added.

For his part, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López described the coup attempt 30 years ago as a “heroic feat” of the “military aviators who insurged against a state of degraded affairs, the product of the partisan party, the rottenness, corruption.”

“We exalt that date and we also exalt the value of those men who dared to step forward and say no to imperialism, rottenness, immorality, say no to that moral decadence, structured for years,” he added. .

The failed coup of November 27, 1992 was carried out by a group of Aviation officers allied to the then lieutenant colonel chavezat that time imprisoned for the coup attempt on February 4 of that same year, and left at least 300 dead, according to unofficial versions.

Source: Elcomercio

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