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Hakeem Jeffries replaces Nancy Pelosi in the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives

Hakeem Jeffries replaces Nancy Pelosi in the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives

Hakeem Jeffries replaces Nancy Pelosi in the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives

US Congressman Hakeem Jeffries was elected Wednesday as the future leader of the Democratic minority in the House of Representatives starting in January, thus becoming the first African American to assume the leadership of a party in the country’s Congress.

Jeffries52 years old and representative for New Yorkcurrently occupies and since 2019 in that chamber the presidency of the Democratic Caucusa body that, among other functions, establishes the discipline of training and acts as a forum to develop and communicate its policies and legislative priorities.

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The renewal of the Democratic leadership occurs after the mid-term elections on November 8, in which the progressives lost control of the House of Representativeswhich will be consummated from January, and its representatives will announce the intention of making way for the new generations.

The still speaker of the Lower House, Nancy Pelosi, 82, will keep her seat in California and was named speaker emeritus, but will leave her position in the front line. For her part, the current Democratic majority leader in that chamber, Steny Hoyer, will focus on her role as a member of the Appropriations Committee.

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The “number two” of the Democrats in the Lower House will be katherine clark59 years old and representative of Massachusetts.

As president of the Democratic Caucus and third authority will become the legislator for California Pete Aguilar43, vice president of that body until now and member of the legislative committee investigating the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol.

“Fighting for the people is our history and our commitment,” Jeffries said in his first appearance before the press after being elected.

In the mid-term elections, the democrats they did retain their adjusted majority in the Senate, so the new Congress that will be installed as of January 3 will have its leadership divided between both parties.

Jeffries vowed to keep an “open mind” in his relationship with Republicans and work with them “whenever possible”, but he also made it clear that he will fight against “extremism” if necessary.

As the new president of the House of Representatives as soon as the Republicans assume their majority, the conservative Kevin McCarthy is nominated, who must still secure the necessary votes to see his position confirmed in January.

“Democrats in the House of Representatives are committed to a legislative agenda that lowers costs, protects the right to abortion and strengthens democracy,” For his part, Aguilar said after being elected president of the Caucus.

Clark added that the message that the new Democratic leadership wants to convey to the American people is “simple”: “We are prepared to work for you. Families are the priority. Today is a day of transition and hope”.

Source: Elcomercio

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