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Russia warns of “enormous” risk of nuclear war between atomic powers

Russia warns of “enormous” risk of nuclear war between atomic powers

Russia warns of “enormous” risk of nuclear war between atomic powers

Russia warned Thursday that there is an “enormous” risk that a conventional weapons conflict between atomic powers could escalate into nuclear war.

In the event of a war with conventional means between nuclear powers “the risk of it degenerating into a nuclear war is enormous”said the Russian Foreign Minister at a press conference, Sergey Lavrov.

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Therefore, he added, Russia not only subscribes to the inadmissibility of a nuclear war, but also calls to prevent any armed conflict between countries that possess this kind of weapons.

Lavrov recalled that the presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the United States, Joe Biden, signed a declaration in June 2021 that there can be no winners in a nuclear warand later signed by five nuclear powers.

“As I have already said, we are willing to go further and say not only that a nuclear war cannot be unleashed, but also that any war between nuclear potential is inadmissible,” stressed.

The head of Russian diplomacy indicated that Moscow watches with concern the rhetoric of the West, which accuses Russia of preparing provocations with the use of weapons of mass destruction.

“But the West itself, the United States, Great Britain or France is doing everything to increase its practically direct participation in the war that it is waging against Russia through the Ukrainians. It is a dangerous trend, ”he emphasized.

Source: Elcomercio

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