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266 migrants return to Venezuela from Peru with the Plan Vuelta a la Patria of the Government of Maduro

266 migrants return to Venezuela from Peru with the Plan Vuelta a la Patria of the Government of Maduro

266 migrants return to Venezuela from Peru with the Plan Vuelta a la Patria of the Government of Maduro

At least 266 Venezuelan migrants returned to their country from Peru this Thursday with the Plan Vuelta a la Patria, a program launched by the Government of Nicolás Maduro in September 2018 to facilitate the return of people who chose to return to the nation. Caribbean, reported the Foreign Ministry.

“Today they return to Venezuela 266 nationals from Peruthanks to a new day of Return to the Homeland Plan (…) to guarantee the good life of Venezuelan families”, wrote the Foreign Ministry on Twitter.

LOOK: They evacuate the camp in Ciudad Juárez where Venezuelan migrants had been waiting to cross into the US.

According to the Executive, With the government plan, more than 30,000 Venezuelans have returned to the country in the last four years who had emigrated to other nations fleeing the economic and political crisis.

The chancellor, Carlos Fariaon Tuesday asked the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for its cooperation and technical assistance to “modernize” the country’s migration policies.

The official, who spoke before the IOM Council, explained that the Government created a National Migration Commission that seeks to “update, modernize and strengthen migration policies” in the territory and, added, “the care of our migrants wherever they are ”.

The Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela (R4V), a mechanism co-led by the UN Refugee Agency (Acnur) and the IOM, indicated last September that 7.1 million Venezuelans left their country of origin in recent years.

Source: Elcomercio

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