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Chilean Navy corporal kidnapped in Ecuador is rescued alive

Chilean Navy corporal kidnapped in Ecuador is rescued alive

Chilean Navy corporal kidnapped in Ecuador is rescued alive

First Corporal of the Navy Chili Luis Toledo, kidnapped since last November 29 in Ecuadorwas rescued alive in the city of Durán, the Chilean government reported this Sunday.

“The special kidnapping and hostage rescue team in Ecuador managed to recover the Chilean citizen alive (…) who is currently in a care center,” explained the sub-prefect of the Chilean Investigative Police (PDI), Walter Oyarce.

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The 31-year-old soldier had a license and moved to Ecuador last January.

According to local media, the captors were demanding a $100,000 ransom from the family.

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The Chilean Foreign Ministry indicated in a statement that Toledo “soon he will be able to meet his family again”while thanking “the coordinated efforts made by the PDI, the Ecuadorian police forces and the Chilean Consulate in Guayaquil”.

The Police of Ecuador He reported for his part on Twitter that at the moment there is a man detained for the kidnapping of the Chilean corporal.

Source: Elcomercio

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