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They sentence Juan David Ortiz, the former immigration agent of the United States who killed four women

They sentence Juan David Ortiz, the former immigration agent of the United States who killed four women

They sentence Juan David Ortiz, the former immigration agent of the United States who killed four women

Former immigration agent Juan David Ortiz was found guilty of killing four women in 2018 in Texas and automatically sentenced to life imprisonment after the Prosecutor’s Office gave up seeking the death penalty.

Former Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer, 39, He was accused in December 2018 of murdering four women in Laredo, in Webb County (Texas).

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The prosecution explained that all the victims knew Ortiz and that he sought to take advantage of vulnerable people, such as people addicted to drugs or alcohol or involved in sex work.

After the trial, held in San Antonio (Texas), Judge Oscar Hale read the verdict during a hearing that lasted until Wednesday night.

According to the indictment, then-CBP agent He committed his first murder in September 2018, the date on which he picked up 29-year-old Melissa Ramírez and took her to the outskirts of the city to shoot her several times before leaving her abandoned in a field.

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Days later, the suspect he followed the same pattern to end the lives of 42-year-old Claudine Ann Luera and a transgender woman identified as Jannelle Ortiz.

Luck for the former CBP agent changed on September 14, 2018 when he picked up Erika Penawhom he took to his home in north Laredo.

According to the initial testimony of Griefthe defendant began to act “strangely” when she mentioned the disappearance of her friend Melissa Ramirezso Ortiz decided to take her out of the home and kidnap her in his car at gunpoint.

Peña managed to escape and as he ran towards a state trooper who was refueling at a nearby gas station, Ortiz drove off.

Finally, the then CBP agent was arrested and imprisoned in September 2018, at which time he confessed to the murder of yet another victim: Griselda Cantú.

Since the indictment, the county attorney, Isidro Alaniz, sought the death penalty against Ortiz, but gave up after the change of the trial venue, in San Antonio, in Bexar County, was approved.

Alaniz affirmed that the families of the victims agreed with the withdrawal of the death sentence and the change of venue, which speeded up the trial.

Source: Elcomercio

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