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He went out to film how people celebrated Morocco’s triumph and got an unpleasant surprise |  VIDEO

He went out to film how people celebrated Morocco’s triumph and got an unpleasant surprise | VIDEO

He went out to film how people celebrated Morocco’s triumph and got an unpleasant surprise |  VIDEO

The euphoria for the celebration of the victory of the national team Morocco on Spain days ago brought fans to the streets in Europe and Africa. Different moments of the celebration were captured on video by users of social networks, who shared how it is celebrated in different parts of both Morocco and European cities.

But, although it seems that everything is a celebration, a video shared on social networks showed the moment in which a man he snatched a cell phone from a woman who was walking down one of the streets of Barcelona, ​​Spain.

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In the images, lasting just a few seconds, a woman was observed walking with her cell phone. At that moment, a man passed by and snatched it away. The woman was stunned and made no expression. The video was cut off at the moment the thief fled and the victim tried to catch up with him.

According to the user @wallstwolverine who posted the video, the events occurred in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Precisely, it was during the Morocco-Spain match that was played in the Qatar 2022 World Cup, where the selection of the African country eliminated ‘La Roja’ on penalties.

He stole, he fled… and it was filmed live

In January a similar and unusual event occurred in the sports field. Players of Oran Gymnastics and Shootingin Salta, Argentinathey stole a cell phone while an interview was carried out after the game they played against Sportivo Alberdi from Jujuy, but they could not stop the capture, so the video of the event went viral on social networks.

The recording shows the moment when Christian Rodriguez, a journalist from Channel 7 of Jujuy, broadcast live on his social networks a post-match interview with a footballer from the winning team. At one point, one of the local team players took Rodríguez’s phone and went to the locker room. “He is deleting everything he filmed”, he commented to a colleague.

However, the players not only failed in their attempts to stop the transmission, but also was published and viralized on social networks, with the faces of the perpetrators of the robbery in the foreground. “I don’t know how to delete”, one of the accomplices of the unfortunate thief told him sadly.

As a result of the event, the four footballers who participated in the event were identified, including Abel Diazwho was who He took the phone from Rodríguez at the time of the interview, as revealed by the digital newspaper purmamarca. The match belonging to the third phase of the Regional Amateur Tournament had concluded with a defeat for Gymnastics and Shooting by 2-0 at the Ángel Llamas Stadium in front of the Jujuy team.

Source: Elcomercio

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