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5.9 magnitude earthquake shakes El Salvador without major consequences

A magnitude 5.9 earthquake with an epicenter in the Pacific Ocean shook this Thursday The Saviorwithout the authorities reporting victims or damage so far.

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) indicated that the telluric movement was registered at 08:32 local time (14:32 GMT) off the coast of the eastern department of usulutan.

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The government source specified that the earthquake had its epicenter 47 kilometers south of the San Juan del Gozo Peninsula and at a depth of 29 kilometers, without generating a tsunami alert.

Local media reported that some people left their offices in the center of the country as a precaution against the earthquake.

Most of the earthquakes that occur in The Savior they usually have their origin in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and at much greater depth.

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Sometimes this makes them imperceptible to the population, while those that originate on land close to the surface are more felt and harmful.

The last time The Savior was ravaged by telluric movements was in 2001, when there were two earthquakes of magnitudes 7.7 and 6.6.

Source: Elcomercio

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