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Venezuela rejects a US bill that would affect its business

Venezuela rejects a US bill that would affect its business

Venezuela rejects a US bill that would affect its business

The government of Venezuela rejected this Saturday a bill approved on Friday by the Senate of USA that prohibits the federal agencies of the North American country from granting contracts of the United States Executive to companies that do business with the Administration of Nicolás Maduro.

The “Draft Law for the Prohibition of Operations and Leases with the Illegitimate Authoritarian Regime of Venezuela” (Bolivar Law, for its acronym in English) represents, according to Republican Senator Rick Scott -initiator of the legislation-, a “big step” to “weaken” the Maduro government, which “it is starving its own citizens” Y “imprisoning their political enemies”.

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“There is no reason the US Government should work with companies that also work with such a disgusting dictator. I am incredibly proud that the Senate has voted to hold Maduro accountable for his abuses, by unanimously approving my Bolivar Law”, he said, as quoted in a press release issued by his team.

In this way, The Venezuelan government rejected, through a statement, the approval of the “disastrous bill that, both in its name and in its content, constitutes a violation of economic freedoms and a serious offense against the Venezuelan people.”

“This instrument (…) violates the integrity of the sovereign people of Venezuela, as well as that of the United States companies themselves, by placing them at risk of being penalized, in an arbitrary, unfair and illegal manner, when exercising their right to free trade through contracts with the Bolivarian Government”said.

With this bill, he continued, “it is confirmed” that “ultra-conservative and coup-mongering” sectors in the US “have no interest in seeing a development process in Venezuela, an improvement in the quality of life of our population and, much less, that free and fair elections are guaranteed, by promoting more obstacles and hostile measures against the country”.

In addition, he pointed out that the name of the regulation “offends the Venezuelan people, its history and its liberator”, Simón Bolívar.

This bill establishes “necessary exceptions” for the provision of humanitarian aid and disaster relief, according to the press release from Senator Scott’s team.

It also allows the “Secretary of State to remove the restriction where it is in the national interest of the US.”

Source: Elcomercio

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