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Lula da Silva celebrates Argentina’s triumph in the World Cup in Qatar: “Happy with the victory”

The elected president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvadeclared himself happy with the world title conquered this Sunday by Argentina and highlighted the role of Lionel Messi and Ángel Di María in the victory of the Albiceleste over France.

“Happy with the victory of the Argentine neighbors. great game of Messi that he deserved a lot and Di María”, said Lula in a message posted on social media.

SIGHT: Argentina world champion: President Alberto Fernández thanks the players and the coaching staff

In the message, the progressive leader congratulated the team and the Argentine president, Alberto Fernández, one of his closest friends.

“Congratulations players, technical commission of Argentina and my friend @alferdez”, the president-elect said.

The triumph of Argentina It was also celebrated by the followers of Lula who mostly supported the Albiceleste, according to a poll conducted by the president-elect on Twitter.

In the poll, 57.3% of his followers said they would support the neighboring country’s team while 42.7% said they would give France strength.

Source: Elcomercio

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