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Ephemeris of December 20: What happened in the world on a day like today

Ephemeris of December 20: What happened in the world on a day like today

Ephemeris of December 20: What happened in the world on a day like today

On December 20, but 1987, 35 years ago, there was a collision between the passenger ship “Doña Paz” and the oil tanker “Víctor” in the Philippine Strait of Mindoro. 4,317 people die in the greatest tragedy of commercial shipping of the 20th century.


1592.- Certificate of Felipe II by which declares Havana a city.

1803.- France hands over Louisiana to the United States.

SIGHT: AMLO calls for general elections in Peru “to restore democratic order”

1827.- The first federal law of expulsion of the Spanish from Mexico.

1860.- The Assembly of South Carolina declares its union with the United States dissolved.

1903.- The act of taking place blessing of the flag of the new Republic of Panama.

1917.- The Polish Felix Dzerinsky founds the Cheka, the Russian Extraordinary Commissionthe antecedent of the KGB secret service.

1943.- Coup in Boliviaprovoked by the nationalist party of Victor Paz Estenssoro. Commander Gualberto Villarroel is proclaimed provisional president.

1946.- Ho Chi Minh flees from Hanoi after calling for insurrection against French colonial troops in Vietnam.

– The film “How beautiful it is to live” by Frank Cappa is released and starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. One of the 100 best movies in history, which failed at the Oscars and at the box office.

1949.- The ballet “Beauty and the Beast” premieres in Londonwith choreography by John Cranko and music by Maurice Ravel, and stellar performances by dancers Patricia Miller and David Poole.

1957.- Europa Press (EP) is bornthe first private news agency in Spain.

1962.- Juan Bosch, Revolutionary Party candidate wins the presidential elections in the Dominican Republic.

1967.- The film “The Graduate” is releasedstarring Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft.

1971.- A group of French doctors create the NGO Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Paris.

1983.- Yasser Arafat and 4,000 loyal Palestinians leave Tripoli (Lebanon) under the protection of the UN.

– The Constitution of El Salvador enters into forceapproved five days earlier by the Constituent Assembly after nine months of debate.

1988.- Representatives of 49 countries sign in Vienna the UN convention against drug trafficking.

1989.- US troops invade Panama to overthrow General Manuel Antonio Noriega.

1999.- China receives the sovereignty of Macao from Portugal after 443 years of Portuguese colonial rule.

2002.- John Paul II promulgates the decrees that recognize the heroic virtues and a miracle through the intercession of Mother Teresa of Calcuttaas well as the one that proclaims the Spanish nun Sor Angela de la Cruz a saint.

– The presidents of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia inaugurate the first section of the transoceanic highway that will unite the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

2004.- Police detain in Antioquia (Colombia) a Juan Carlos Ruiz Trujilloone of the biggest implicated in drug money laundering.

2008.- The Government of Bolivia proclaims the end of illiteracy in the Andean country. It is the third country in Latin America, after Cuba and Venezuela.

2010.- Cuba abolishes the 10 percent tax on remittances in dollars from abroad.

2012.- Bolivian President Evo Morales pardons 1,900 inmates after a week of protests and riots in the country’s prisons.

2014.- First day of the unilateral ceasefire decreed by the Colombian guerrilla of the FARC.

2017.- The National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela abolishes the Metropolitan Mayor’s Office of Caracas.

– The US Congress definitively approves Trump’s tax reform which entails the largest tax cut since 1986.

2018.- The Supreme Court sets more than 1,500 million euros in compensation for the oil spill in the sinking of the “Prestige”.

2019.- The British Parliament approves leaving the EU on January 31.


1875.- Domingo Martínez LujánPeruvian poet.

1916.- Gonzalo RojasChilean poet.

1922.-George Roy HillAmerican film director.

1935.- Valerio LazarovSpanish television producer of Romanian origin.

1947.- Gigliola CinquettiItalian singer.

1948.- Alan ParsonsBritish musician.


1911.- Joan MaragallSpanish poet.

1924.- Ricardo BellverSpanish sculptor.

1968.-John Steinbeck, American novelist.

1982.- Arthur RubinsteinPolish pianist.

1996.- Carl SaganAmerican astronomer and science writer.

2016.- Michele MorganFrench actress.

Source: Elcomercio

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