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Vice President of the European Parliament Eva Kaili admits her involvement in a corruption scheme

Vice President of the European Parliament Eva Kaili admits her involvement in a corruption scheme

Vice President of the European Parliament Eva Kaili admits her involvement in a corruption scheme

The Greek MEP eva kailidismissed as vice-president of the European Parliament for her alleged involvement in the alleged bribery scandal that has plagued Qatar and Morocco, admitted before the Belgian judge investigating the case that she instructed her father to remove a large quantity of cash.

As reported on Tuesday by the newspaper “Le Soir”, which had access to the arrest warrant issued on the 9th by the investigating judge, the social democrat Helena partially admitted her participation in the plot by “having instructed his father to hide the money”.

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The television presenter44, also declared that she was aware of the “activity” of her husband, the Italian Francesco Giorgiowith the former MEP of the same nationality Pier Antonio Panzeriwho appears as the alleged core of the influence plot, and that “the suitcases of tickets passed through his apartment” in Brusselsaccording to the aforementioned Belgian media.

The agents surprised Kaili’s father in a hotel in the heart of the European quarter of Brussels with a suitcase full of money, circumstance that allowed them to act despite the parliamentary immunity of Greek politics, the understanding that they were committing a flagrant crime.

kailiwho has been incarcerated since December 9 in the Haren prison (outskirts of Brussels), will appear next Thursday before a correctional court of first instance in Brusselss, who will decide whether to continue in prison or release her, with or without conditions.

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Giorgi35 years old and father of a two-year-old girl with kaili44, confessed his involvement in the bribery scheme in the eurochamber and pointed out how mastermind of the plot to Panzieri, from whom the police confiscated 700,000 euros at his home and who is also accused and is in prison like him.

The wife and daughter of Panzieri were arrested in Italy, which granted the extradition request made by Belgium for the first and analyzes today the corresponding to the second.

The investigators verified, according to a series of wiretaps to the family Panzeriwhich “Le Soir” also reveals today, that the two women made trips to Morocco to receive “products” from the hands of Abderrahim Atmoun himself, Moroccan ambassador to Poland, to which the diplomat apparently also alludes in a conversation with the former Italian politician and founder of the NGO Fight Impunity (Fight against Impunity).

Giorgi admitted to having been part of an organization used by both Morocco as for Qatar with the aim of interfering in European affairs, as Le Soir also advanced a few days ago.

In today’s disclosures, the newspaper claims that Panzeri He pointed out before the investigating judge that the Belgian Social Democratic MEP Marc Tarabella, also investigated in this case, was the recipient of the “gifts” from Qatar, something that he and his defense have repeatedly denied.

In his statement, Georgi also pointed to Tarabella and fellow Italian Social Democrat MEP Andrea Cozzolino, for whom Kaili’s partner works as an assistant.

According to the arrest warrant against kailiwhen her husband was arrested, she tried to warn Panzeri of what was happening but also “two MEPs”, whose names are not specified in the arrest warrant, says the Belgian newspaper.

In addition to kailiin pretrial detention for now, Panzeri and Giorgi remain imprisoned by judicial decisionwhile the “lobbyist” and secretary general of the NGO No Peace No Justice (Without peace there is no justice), Niccolo Figa-Talamanca, was released with an electronic bracelet.

The three appeared before a correctional court of first instance in Brussels on December 14, in a hearing to which she was also summoned kailibut I cannot appear at the Palace of Justice due to a strike by judicial officials, which is why his hearing was postponed until this Thursday.

From the NGO Fight Impunity, he acknowledged on Monday that the union leader Luca Visentini had received 50,000 euros for his campaign for general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), but he assured that it was a donation without compensation.

The former European commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos – on the Greek conservative there is no judicial accusation – also admitted that he received 60,000 euros between February 2021 and February 2022 from Fight Impunity, of which he was an honorary member.

Source: Elcomercio

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