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Taliban ban all women from university in Afghanistan

Taliban ban all women from university in Afghanistan

Taliban ban all women from university in Afghanistan

The authorities taliban announced on Tuesday the ban on access to university education for women in Afghanistan for an indeterminate period, according to a letter from the Ministry of Higher Education sent to all public and private universities.

“It is recommended that they implement the order to suspend the education of women until new notice”, indicates the letter signed by Minister Neda Mohammad Nadeem.

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Ministry spokesman Ziaulah Hashimiwho tweeted the letter, confirmed the order in a message sent to AFP.

The ban on accessing higher education comes less than three months after thousands of women They will take the university entrance exams throughout the country.

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Since the Islamic fundamentalist group regained control of the country in August last year, universities have been forced to implement new rules, including gender segregation in classrooms and entrances. Female students could only have older women or men as teachers.

As a result, the majority of adolescent girls across the country have already been barred from secondary education, seriously limiting their chances of accessing university.

Source: Elcomercio

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