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They investigate a new bomb threat near the hotel where Lula is staying

They investigate a new bomb threat near the hotel where Lula is staying

They investigate a new bomb threat near the hotel where Lula is staying

The police of the capital BrazilBrasilia, is investigating a bomb threat in a hotel area of ​​the city, near where the president-elect is staying Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva before his inauguration on January 1, the Federal District Security Department said on Tuesday.

A Reuters witness said sirens and helicopters could be heard from the hotel where Lula is staying. Brasília has been under tension for weeks after the country’s most disputed election in a generation.

LOOK HERE; Brazil: Lula da Silva’s team guarantees a “peaceful” inauguration despite terrorist threat

On December 24, police in Brasilia reported that they had thwarted a bomb attack and detained a man supporting Bolsonaro who was camping in front of the army headquarters, urging the military to annul Lula’s victory.

George Washington Sousawho confessed to making the device and conspiring with others to blow it up, said he hoped the bomb would “provoke a military intervention (…) to prevent the installation of communism in Brazil”.

MORE INFORMATION: Man who masterminded Brazil bombing says he was inspired by Bolsonaro’s call to arm

At the beginning of December, a group from the camp in front of the barracks tried to invade the headquarters of the federal police, after the arrest of a pro-Bolsonaro indigenous leader for alleged anti-democratic threats.

Source: Elcomercio

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