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Opponents present request for impeachment against Alberto Fernández

Opponents present request for impeachment against Alberto Fernández

Opponents present request for impeachment against Alberto Fernández

The block of deputies from the opposition Radical Civic Union (UCR) presented this Tuesday in the Parliament of Argentina a draft resolution to promote an impeachment trial against the president Alberto Fernandezreported legislative sources.

SIGHT: Argentina: Fernández and the Supreme Court face off over tax ruling

The request for impeachment was filed based on the decision of the head of state to pay with public bonds the funds derived from tax collection that a Supreme Court ruling ordered last week to the national government to restore to the executive branch of the city of Buenos Aires.

Confirming the presentation of this request for impeachment, the president of the bloc of radical deputies, Mario Negri, commented that trying to pay Buenos Aires with bonds for the funds from the so-called tax “co-participation” “is a malicious ruse to cover up disobedience to the ruling of the Supreme Court”.

The draft resolution presented by the radicals in the Chamber of Deputies promotes a political trial against Alberto Fernández “for poor performance and possible commission of crimes in the exercise of his functions, in accordance with what is provided” by the Argentine Constitution.

To advance in a political trial, the Chamber of Deputies must first approve by at least two thirds of its members a resolution to promote the process and then constitute itself as the accuser of the head of state before the Senate, the chamber that is responsible for judging in public trial those accused by the Lower House.

According to the Constitution, when the defendant is the President of the Nation, the Senate will be chaired by the President of the Supreme Court and the Head of State cannot be found guilty without a two-thirds majority of the members present.

In the event of removal by this means, he is replaced by the vice-president, a role that Cristina Fernández currently plays.

The UCR is one of the parties that make up the opposition front Together for Change, also made up of the Republican Proposal (Pro), the political force to which former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) and the capital’s mayor, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, belong. .

Juntos por el Cambio does not have two-thirds of the seats in either of the two legislative chambers, so the impeachment request could hardly prosper.

Meanwhile, the controversy continues its course in the judicial field, where on Tuesday the capital’s government filed a criminal complaint against officials of the national Executive who fail to comply with the precautionary measure issued last Wednesday by the Supreme Court.

The highest court has unanimously ordered the national State to restore to the Buenos Aires Government 2.95% of the federal co-participation funds -compared to the current 2.32%-, for which the city must receive 180,000 million pesos (997 million dollars) in addition to those already received.

After a first rejection of the ruling, Alberto Fernández, who has the support of 14 provincial governors, announced this Monday that he will finally abide by that judicial resolution, making a series of Treasury bonds available to the city of Buenos Aires for the next 90 days. .

But for the mayor of the capital, the attempt by the Fernández government to pay with bonds is “cheating to continue failing to comply with the ruling”, since, in his opinion, the funds should be returned through direct transfers from the state-owned Banco Nación and not through public titles.

The conflict between the Government and the city of Buenos Aires over the sharing of federal funds occurs at the gates of a year marked by the presidential elections, in which Rodríguez Larreta is emerging as one of the candidates within Together for Change.

Source: Elcomercio

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