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The head of security of Brasilia is dismissed after invasions by Bolsonaristas

The head of security of Brasilia is dismissed after invasions by Bolsonaristas

The head of security of Brasilia is dismissed after invasions by Bolsonaristas

The Secretary of Security of the Federal District of BrasiliaAnderson Torres, ally of the former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonarowas removed from his position this Sunday, after the invasions of radical Bolsonaristas to the headquarters of Parliament, the Presidency and the Supreme Court.

“I determined the dismissal of the Secretary of Security of the Federal District, at the same time that I put all the security forces on the streets, with the determination to arrest and punish those responsible”affirmed the governor of Brasilia, Ibaneis Rocha, on his social networks.

Look: At least 150 Bolsonaristas are detained after the invasion of the headquarters of the three State powers in Brazil

Rocha also requested the support of the Government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvawho assumed power last Sunday, and placed his cabinet at the disposal of the federal powers.

Nevertheless, Lula determined by decree a federal intervention in the Brazilian capital that withdraws Rocha’s powers in everything related to public security and grants them to the designated controller, the Vice Minister of Justice, Ricardo Capelli Torres had just assumed the Secretary of Security of Brasilia , after serving as Minister of Justice in the last two years of the Government of Bolsonarowho left power last Sunday, when Lula sworn in as the new head of state.

An explosion is shown as supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro demonstrate against President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, outside the Brazilian National Congress in Brasilia, Brazil. (ADRIANO MACHADO /)

However, a week after taking over as head of the security area of Brasilia He was dismissed in a sudden way, before the chaos installed in the Brazilian capital, after thousands of radical supporters of the extreme right invaded the headquarters of Congress, the Planalto Palace -seat of Government- and the Supreme Court.

After the dismissal, the General Advocacy of the Union (AGU) sent a letter to the Supreme Court magistrate and president of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Alexandre de Moraes, in which he requests the imprisonment of Torres and “all public agents responsible for acts and omissions”.

Similarly, the AGU requested “the adoption of other precautionary measures that prevent the practice of new criminal acts.”

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (right) and his Justice Minister Anderson Torres attend a ceremony on International Anti-Corruption Day at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (right) and his Justice Minister Anderson Torres attend a ceremony on International Anti-Corruption Day at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia. (EVARISTO SA / AFP /)

The supporters acted due to the apparent collusion of some Brasilia Military Police patrols, which, according to videos released by local media, dedicated themselves to observing from a distance and even took photos of the moment with their cell phones.

“Disorder is inconceivable and the lack of respect for institutions is unacceptable. I have determined that all members of the Military and Civil Police act firmly so that order is restored with the utmost urgency. Vandalism will be fought with the rigor of the law”, declared Torres, while the serious disturbances were taking place.

Torres is a faithful squire of Bolsonaro and, according to the newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo, just after assuming the Secretary of Security of Brasilia He traveled to Orlando, in the United States, where the former Brazilian president is currently located.

A supporter of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro kneels during a demonstration against President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in front of the Brazilian National Congress in Brasilia, Brazil.

A supporter of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro kneels during a demonstration against President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in front of the Brazilian National Congress in Brasilia, Brazil. (REUTERS/Adriano Machado/)

At this time, the security forces are working to regain control of the Plaza de los Tres Poderes, where the offices of the Presidency, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies and the Supreme Court are located, and which today was taken over by certain coup protesters dressed in the green and yellow colors of the Brazilian flag.

Some of those radicals, who call for a “intervention“military to return to power Bolsonarohave attacked media professionals and police officers who were mounted on horseback.

Source: Elcomercio

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