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Turkish President Erdogan accuses his NATO allies of harboring terrorists

Turkish President Erdogan accuses his NATO allies of harboring terrorists

Turkish President Erdogan accuses his NATO allies of harboring terrorists

The president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogantoday accused his allies of the NATO of giving refuge to people that his country considers terrorists, and warned that if European countries do not take action in this regard, “terrorism will spread like cancer”.

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“Countries with which we are together in NATO, and even under the umbrella of the UN, have become havens for fugitives from Turkish Justice,” denounced the Islamist leader in a speech during the International Conference of Ombudsmen, which is celebrated in Ankara.

The president criticized that “bloody murderers (…) are protected under the pretext of political asylum, and can lead a life in freedom without being subject to judicial investigation.”

Erdogan referred to the Islamist sect of the preacher Fethullah Gülen, who has lived in the United States since 1999, a former ally of the Turkish president but whom he accuses of having been the instigator of the failed 2016 coup.

The Turkish president denounced that Gülen “continues to supervise his terrorist organization from his mansion in the United States.”

He also said that members of the PKK, the Kurdish guerrilla group considered a terrorist by the European Union and the United States, can easily organize demonstrations in European cities.

Turkey keeps Sweden and Finland blocked from joining NATO, arguing that those countries have yet to meet their commitments on issues such as the extradition of people wanted by Turkey.

Source: Elcomercio

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