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A Vladimir Putin propagandist says World War III has already begun and calls for nuclear weapons in Britain, France and Poland.

Vladimir Solovyov said Russia should bomb the West to stop the flow of tanks and armored vehicles being shipped to Ukraine from NATO countries.

“There’s a big World War III going on,” Solovyov told viewers in Russia’s 11 time zones.

“We do not strike on the territory of NATO countries, because then ‘NATO intervenes’.

The threats come as Britain is about to ship Challenger II main battle tanks to Kiev.

France will also send French AMX-10 reconnaissance vehicles, while Germany will send 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles.

The US is sending 50 M2 Bradley fighting vehicles.

Solovyov continued: “Now they come in tanks….

No matter how much Britain gives, the red line should be easy for us.

Vladimir Solovyov threatened Western countries in a broadcast in Russia’s eleven time zones

A zircon [Tsirkon] Launches of hypersonic missiles from the frigate Admiral Gorshkov (Photo: MoD Russia/e2w)

France gave what they call tanks on wheels. Poland has made its choice, Britain has made its choice.

Therefore, all military targets on the territory of France, Poland and Great Britain are legitimate targets to attack. We need to make it official….

“If you have to, then no nuclear bomb [weapon]. And if necessary, then [we can use] tactical nuclear [weapons]. Or should we wait for hundreds, thousands of tanks to appear on our territory?’

He suggested that unless Russia attacks the three NATO allies, they risk being overrun by Western tanks and armored vehicles in Ukraine.


This week Putin lost patience with senior politicians involved in the war (Photo: Kremlin/e2w)

The news comes as Russian President Putin has fired his army chief, nicknamed “General Armageddon,” after just three months.

Sergey Surovikin was replaced by General Valery Gerasimov, who is now in charge of the “special operation”.

Relegated as one of Gerasimov’s deputies, Surovikin is one of many upheavals in Moscow’s military leadership following a string of devastating Russian casualties.
