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Putin says that the dynamics of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine are “positive”

Putin says that the dynamics of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine are “positive”

Putin says that the dynamics of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine are “positive”

The Russian President, Vladimir Putinestimated that the military campaign in Ukraine is having a “positive dynamic” after the announcement of the capture of Soledar, in eastern Ukraine, which was denied by kyiv.

The dynamic is positive and everything is developed according to the plans of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff. I hope that our combatants give us more joy with their military results,” he declared. putin in an interview with Russian public television, broadcast this Sunday.

LOOK: Zelensky promises full support to defenders of Ukrainian cities of Soledar and Bakhmu

Questioned on the runway of an airport, next to the presidential plane, the president thus responded to questions from a journalist from the Rossia-1 channel about “the news from Soledar”, which the Russian army said on Friday it had conquered.

The capture of this modest town was presented in Moscow as a victory after months of setbacks in particular the withdrawal from the Kharkov region (east) and the city of Kherson (south) before the Ukrainian counteroffensives.

LOOK: The bloody battle of Soledar and how the mercenaries were key in the victory that Russia so needed

According to the Russian army, the conquest of solderwhere there are huge galleries that would allow military equipment to be stored and infiltrate behind enemy lines, it is an important stage to surround the neighboring city of bakhmutwhich Moscow has been trying to take for months.

On Saturday, the Ukrainian authorities again denied Moscow’s announcement and claimed to have “under control” the city of Soledar, which had 10,000 inhabitants before the Russian offensive and is now destroyed.

Source: Elcomercio

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