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AMLO announces the military as the new Undersecretary of Public Security in Mexico

AMLO announces the military as the new Undersecretary of Public Security in Mexico

AMLO announces the military as the new Undersecretary of Public Security in Mexico

The Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorannounced this Monday that the now ex-commander of the militarized National Guard, Luis Rodriguez Buciowill be the new Undersecretary of Public Security.

He was the commander of the National Guard, he did a very good job (…) and now he is going to be Undersecretary of Public Security”, reported the Mexican president in his morning conference at the National Palace.

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This appointment follows the resignation of Ricardo Mejia last Friday to seek to be a candidate for governor of the northern Mexican state of Coahuila.

In the place of the commander of the National Guard, which López Obrador created in 2019 as a civilian body but which last year transferred to the Army, General David Córdova Campos will serve.

We have all the confidence in General Bucio and, in his place, as commander of the National Guard, General David Córdova Campos will serve”, he exposed.

The new commander of the National Guard, originally from Sonora and who is a major general with a diploma from the General Staff, retired in 2020 from the Armed Forces, after being a senior officer of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), which now maintains control of the National Guard.

Regarding Mejía’s resignation, President López Obrador criticized that he did not say goodbye personally and that it was through a letter.He didn’t even say goodbye, he just sent me a piece of paper”, he mentioned.

The appointment of soldiers to public security posts has generated criticism from national and international organizations since López Obrador came to power.

MORE INFORMATION: AMLO defends the presence of the militarized National Guard in the Mexico City subway

Among them, Amnesty International has accused the Mexican government of “normalize militarization”, while other organizations have considered this situation “worrying“, As the Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Human Rights Center (Prodh Center).

Even the UN Office for Human Rights has expressed its concern about the change of assignment of the National Guard, going from a command and civilian formation, as promised in its creation, to a military regime last year.

The most recent controversy has arisen with the presence of military elements of the National Guard in the metro of the country’s capital.

Source: Elcomercio

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