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The German Defense Minister who resigned over the controversies linked to the war in Ukraine

The German Defense Minister who resigned over the controversies linked to the war in Ukraine

The German Defense Minister who resigned over the controversies linked to the war in Ukraine

The great European Germanysuffers a drop in a sensitive portfolio: christine lambrecht He has just resigned from the Ministry of Defense. His decision responds to the “months of criticism from his own party and from others and in the media especially in relation to decisions related to the war in Ukraine”.

This is how Euronews reports it, who recalls that Lambrecht outraged the Germans with a “video message recorded on a street in Berlin” at the end of last year. There, she highlighted that, as a consequence of the war between Russia and Ukrainewas able to carry outmany encounters with interesting and formidable people”. And he added: “For all this, I thank you”.

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It was not the only controversy in which she was involved.

The EFE agency recalls that she “used an army helicopter to go on vacation with his son”. Lambrecht she refused to comment until a cut forced her to admit it.

But what really marked his management were his unfortunate decisions. Shortly before being invaded, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, asked for German support and heavy weapons. She responded by announcing the shipment of 5 thousand helmets.

In addition, ABC recalls that she “banned critical journalists from traveling to visit troops abroad”.

His resignation -despite having the backing of the Chancellor Olaf Scholz– is understood in that context.

Lambrecht argued that his departure responds to the fact that “media targeting” in his person prevented him from making objective decisions about “the soldiers, the Bundeswehr [el ejército alemán] and security policy orientations in the interest of German citizens”.

AFP notes that his departure causes a small earthquake within the German government.

As the world presses them to send tanks to Ukraine, a very important summit is coming. “This Friday, in addition, a meeting of the Western allies will be held, around USAat the US Ramstein base in western Germany”, writes the agency. At this meeting, they will discuss thenew aid” for Ukrainians.

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His political life

christine lambrecht He is 57 years old and, during the management of the former Chancellor Angela MerkelWork as justice minister.

Lambrecht was born in mannheim, on June 19, 1965, and has a son. In 1982 she joined the SPD (Social Democratic Party) and then followed law studies at the universities of Mannheim and mainz.

Later, in December 2021, she became Defense Minister. According to EFE, she had to be in charge of modernizing the German army, a task that she was unable to carry out successfully.

The ABC portal recalls that, in her first interview as the holder of said portfolio, she “admitted that he did not know the ranks of the Bundeswehr” Y “Five months later, confessed that according to without distinguishing the military ranks”. It was not the only thing. The medium adds:

His Easter holidays on Sylt were very controversial, in a context of war on European soil, and when Chancellor Scholz proclaimed the ‘change of era’ and announced an extraordinary budget of 100,000 million euros to rearm the German army, Lambrecht continued speaking of ‘disarmament policy’”.

Source: Elcomercio

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