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Biden enters third year of his term beset by classified documents scandal

The president of United States, Joe Bidenbegins the third year of his term this Friday, with the challenge of a Lower House in the hands of the Republicans and in the midst of the scandal over the classified documents found in his private residence and office.

The discovery since November of several batches of classified papers from the time when he was vice president of Barack Obama (2009-2017) have put the now Democratic president in a difficult situation, which coincides with the recovery by the Republicans of control of the low camera.

LOOK: White House refuses to release details on classified Biden documents

The consequences of the discovery of the documents, whose content is unknown, are still not clear, although for now the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, has appointed a special prosecutor, Robert Hur, to investigate this case.

Faced with this situation, the Republicans are threatening to launch all heavy artillery against Biden, and the speaker of the House of Representatives, the conservative Kevin McCarthy, has already been in favor of opening a legislative investigation.

In fact, Republicans have complained about what they consider to be the administration’s double standards. Bidenas they ensure that the FBI and other federal agencies have been unfair to former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) in the case of classified documents found in his mansion in Mar-a-Lago (Florida, USA).

In his speech as soon as he was elected speaker of the chamber, McCarthy already warned that his hand would not tremble when it came to issuing subpoenas to force public officials to turn over documents and force testimony to Congress, before the case of Biden’s papers will explode.

For the rest, the Republicans have already said that they are going to try to pass legislative initiatives to address urgent challenges such as “the open southern border”, energy policies or “progressive indoctrination in schools”, in addition to creating commissions to investigate Biden’s policies. and the businesses of his son Hunter Biden.

And they have warned that they will go further and seek to limit public spending, which has been the flagship of the policy of Biden during these years of pandemic, together with the fight against inflation, although the power of action of the conservatives is not very clear, since they do not control the Senate, in the hands of the Democrats.

Upon arrival at the White House, on January 20, 2021, Biden The fight against the pandemic and its economic repercussions was made a priority.

In that line, Biden It has ensured that the covid-19 vaccines were available to all Americans, although it has had to be thoroughly applied when it comes to convincing them to get them given the high rates of anti-vaccination in the population.

As your Administration has stood up to the coronavirus, Biden It has promoted a stimulus package of 1.9 trillion dollars and another for infrastructure of 1.2 trillion, which were approved by Congress, to counteract the destruction of the economic fabric caused by the pandemic.

Some economists have pointed out that these stimuli have been the cause of the high inflation in the country, although there are others who argue that it has been a result of the pandemic, problems in the supply chain and the war in Ukraine.

In fact, high inflation has been the biggest shadow in the management of Biden and in June it even broke its record of the last forty years with an interannual rate of 9.1%, spurred on by the prices of gasoline and food.

Faced with this shortage, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) has been applying interest rate hikes since March, which in recent months has led to falling inflation.

In parallel, the White House has promoted the Inflation Reduction Law, approved by Congress and which includes aid to companies that invest in clean technologies, among others.

Despite these measures, it seemed that inflation was going to take its toll on the Democrats in last November’s mid-term elections, which are seen in the US as a “referendum” on the management of the current president, in this Biden case.

However, the mobilization to protect the right to abortion, revoked last June by the Supreme Court, has played in favor of the progressives, who managed to maintain control of the Senate, although not that of the Lower House.

And this despite the lack of forcefulness of the president himself, of Catholic faith, when it comes to defending the right to abortion in public, although his Government has adopted measures to counteract the sentence.

In the international arena, the mandate of Biden It has been characterized by a return to traditional US allies, after years of estrangement from Donald Trump, who preferred to challenge the country’s longtime partners and be ambiguous, even expressing his admiration for the Russian president. , Vladimir Putin, and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un.

Following a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years of war, the Government of Biden now faces the great challenge of supporting Ukraine against the Russian invasion, without American soldiers stepping on Ukrainian soil so as not to trigger a world war.

If the situation does not change, everything seems to indicate that the war in the European country and the competition with China will mark the international policy of Biden from now to the 2024 presidential elections, in which he has already advanced his intentions to run, although he has not yet done so officially.

Source: Elcomercio

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