The extent of the mine collapse can be seen on satellite images (Photo: Pen News)

A North Korean uranium mine used to make nuclear bombs has collapsed several times.

The extent of the damage is visible from space, with satellite images providing the best evidence of the situation.

The Pyongsan mine is the main source of uranium ore for Kim Jong-un’s nuclear weapons.

Ore from the site can be refined into a powder called Yellowcake, which is then processed into weapons-grade uranium.

Jacob Bogle, a freelance analyst who has created an extensive satellite map of the mysterious East Asian country, spotted the collapse in recent photos of the Pyongsan mine.

He said: “The Pyongsan mine is underground so the only visible aspects of it should be tunnel entrances, surface facilities such as crushers and coal piles.

“However, what has developed in the mine is a series of irregular pits with no associated activity – no trucks, no excavators and nothing to suggest they were built to facilitate mining.”

Mr Bogle suggested the pattern of recent collapses suggested areas that had been “excavated” had “lost their structural support”.

PYONGSAN, NORTH KOREA The uranium mine that fuels North Korea's nuclear weapons has been rocked by a series of collapses, with the magnitude of the disaster visible from space (Credit: Jacob Bogle/Pen News) (Pen News ?? 25, ??15 , €10 online) (Contact **Pen News claims no ownership, including but not limited to copyright, licenses in any enclosed material.  Fees charged by Pen News are for Pen News services only and are not intended to confer on the user ownership of any copyright or license in any material.  By posting this material, you expressly agree to hold Pen News, its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claim, damage, demand, expense (including attorneys' fees), lawsuits and allegations arising, defending and held against Pen News harmless in any way connected with the publication of the material.**

Despite recent collapses, the mine appears to be still under construction (Photo: Jacob Bogle/Pen News)

PYONGSAN, NORTH KOREA The uranium mine that fuels North Korea's nuclear weapons has been rocked by a series of collapses, with the magnitude of the disaster visible from space (Credit: Jacob Bogle/Pen News) (Pen News ?? 25, ??15 , €10 online) (Contact **Pen News claims no ownership, including but not limited to copyright, licenses in any enclosed material.  Fees charged by Pen News are for Pen News services only and are not intended to confer on the user ownership of any copyright or license in any material.  By posting this material, you expressly agree to hold Pen News, its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claim, damage, demand, expense (including attorneys' fees), lawsuits and allegations arising, defending and held against Pen News harmless in any way connected with the publication of the material.**

Satellite images show “a series of irregular boreholes” with no adjacent mining equipment (Photo: Jacob Bogle/Pen News)

PYONGSAN, NORTH KOREA The uranium mine that powers North Korea's nuclear weapons has been rocked by a series of collapses, with the magnitude of the disaster visible from space (Credit: Jacob Bogle/Pen News) (Pen News ?? 25, ??15 , €10 online) (Contact **Pen News claims no ownership, including but not limited to copyright, licenses in any enclosed material.  Fees charged by Pen News are for Pen News services only and are not intended to confer upon the user ownership of any copyright or license in any material.  By posting this material, you expressly agree to indemnify and hold Pen News, its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claim, damage, demand, expense (including attorney's fees), cause of action, accusation against Pen All news resulting from this will be related in some way to the publication of the material.**

The Pyongsan mine is less than a kilometer from North Korea’s only factory that can turn ore into yellowcake (Photo: Jacob Bogle/Pen News)

However, due to the size of the mine, which is less than 50 kilometers from the South Korean border, the uranium supply to the regime is unlikely to be disrupted.

Mr Bogle pointed out that there is an active shaft just 230 meters from the collapsed section that has recently been renovated for more activity.

He said: “Kim Jong-un announced in December that he wants to build “exponentially” more nuclear weapons.

“This requires more ore to be extracted from Pyongsan.

“Given the track record of the area, that can only lead to more accidents and collapses as more and more material is removed for processing.”
