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The White House stresses that it does not have material on searches at Biden’s house

The White House stresses that it does not have material on searches at Biden’s house

The White House stresses that it does not have material on searches at Biden’s house

The White House reiterated this Monday that it does not have inventories of visits to the president’s personal home, Joe Bidenin Wilmington (Delaware), nor material related to the searches of that house, where classified documents were found.

The Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the House of Representatives, controlled by the Republicans, had today accused the Administration of a lack of transparency and had therefore demanded from the Secret Services “all documents and communications” about the visits to that residence from January 20, 2017 until now.

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The reaction this Monday from the White House, however, occurred in response to the two letters that this committee sent on January 10 and 13 to Stuart Delery, adviser to the president, and on January 15 to the chief of staff Ronald Klain, in which both the list of people who went to that address and documents related to the searches there and other houses were claimed.

The spokesman for the White House legal office, Ian Sams, indicated this Monday in a conversation with a group of journalists that the White House is not in possession of the documents that the National Archives and the Department of Justice have taken in the framework of your research.

Sams added that while the Biden Administration has been willing to cooperate with Congress from the outset and is considering how to accommodate that committee’s “legitimate” interests, the need to protect privacy also comes into play in those considerations. integrity and independence of investigations” underway.

In a letter from the The White House sent to the committee today made it clear that it is simultaneously ensuring “the separation of powers, the constitutional order and the statutory obligations of the executive branch in general and of the White House in particular.”

“As the president has said, he is prepared to work in good faith with Congress and we are going to speak with the committee to determine the next steps.”said the spokesman for the legal office.

Both the White House and Biden himself have insisted from the beginning on their total willingness to collaborate in these Justice Department investigations and have tried to distance themselves from the case of the classified documents found by the FBI in the mansion of former President Donald Trump (2017 -2021) in Mar-a-Lago (Florida).

Biden’s case was uncovered this January and his various classified documents were found by his own lawyers and turned over to the authorities, unlike what happened in Mar-a-Lago, where the intervention of the Department of Justice was necessary to recover the papers.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland stressed today that there is no difference in treatment between the two.

“We don’t have different rules for Democrats and Republicans, for powerful and underdog, for rich and poor. We apply the facts and the law in each case in a neutral and nonpartisan manner, and that is what we are doing, ”he stressed.

Source: Elcomercio

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