The attacker was arrested and is being held by Spain’s National Police (Picture: AP)

One person was killed and others injured in an attack in Spain.

Authorities say the incident saw a man “with a knife” storm several churches in the southern city of Algeciras.

The attacker has been arrested and is in police custody.

The Spanish ministry said one person was killed outside the church of San Isidro, while another was injured inside the religious building.

Local reports claim that the man killed was a church worker, while the injured man was a priest.

Police are investigating the incident to determine the “nature of the attack”.

A priest from Algeciras told the Spanish newspaper El País: “The attacker first went to the parish of San Isidro, where he attacked a person.

And later he went to the church in Plaza de la Palma, where he met the sacristan in the street and attacked him where he was lying on the ground. Later he seemed to go to the Virgen de Europa church, but I don’t remember whether he arrived.’

All churches are located in the center of Algeciras.

The president of the Junta de Andalucia region, Juan Manuel Moreno, tweeted: “Frightening and heartbreaking.

“A sacristan was killed and at least one other priest was injured in an attack in Algeciras. Please note, the facts are being investigated.’

The attack comes after two people were killed in a stabbing in Germany.

According to police, a man attacked several passengers with a knife around 3 p.m. local time.

The incident happened when the train from Kiel to Hamburg was on its way to Brokstedt station.
