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The revealing details of the autopsy of DJ Valentina Trespalacios

The revealing details of the autopsy of DJ Valentina Trespalacios

The revealing details of the autopsy of DJ Valentina Trespalacios

EL TIEMPO learned the complete report of the DJ’s autopsy Valentina Trespalacios, presumably murdered by her boyfriend John Poulos in the early morning of January 22. According to information issued by the National Institute of Legal Medicine, the woman was beaten in various parts of her body before causing her death by hanging.

In the report, it was made clear that Valentina was not only hanged but also received blows to the face that left several bruises on her lips and tongue, as well as blows to her skull and the base of her neck. However, it was not possible to determine if these affectations occurred before death or are the product of the maneuvers that Poulos would have used it to pack it in the blue suitcase that appeared in the Fontibón garbage dump.

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Another of the key elements that give clues that the woman tried to defend herself while she was being strangled is that multiple blunt-type traumas were found scattered throughout the arms and the sacral region, that is, the back of the lower waist. The woman was beaten and forcibly held.

From the analysis of the victim’s body, it is also presumed that she could have received forceful blows to the chest, since one of her breast prostheses, the one on the left side, would have burst; Even one of his best friends, who was able to see the body after the autopsy and who attended the funeral, pointed out that “It’s as if that man full of rage had wanted to start the same surgery that he paid for,” However, another version given by his relatives in the middle of the funeral, affirms that the prostheses were delivered to the family in good condition; Despite this, the report does note that he suffered blows to the chest.

Now, based on the data collected from the same forensic medicine report, it is possible to establish that the woman was murdered between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 22. Just five hours before the body was found in the garbage container in the Cámbulos neighborhood, in Fontibón, at 2 in the afternoon.

But the chronological development of this investigation throws other certainties about the case. And it is that the man would have planned and carried out the murder of Valentina almost in record time because although it is presumed that he could have murdered her at 9:00 in the morning, the security cameras recorded him leaving the apartment located on Calle 101 # 21-17 at 10:00 am with the blue suitcase, in which the body of the young DJ was supposed to be.

Source: Elcomercio

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