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The border region between Turkey and Syria has been hit again by a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3.

Turkey’s interior minister said three people were killed and 213 injured during search and rescue operations in three collapsed buildings.

According to the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC), the latest earthquake occurred at a depth of 2 miles.

It targeted the Turkish city of Antakya, where further damage was done to buildings already hit by the magnitude-7.8 earthquake two weeks ago.

Reuters reported that tonight’s earthquake was felt in Egypt and Lebanon.

Antakya resident Muna Al Omar said, “I thought the earth would crack under my feet.”

She asked, “Another aftershock coming?”

A woman is helped after the earthquake (Photo: Reuters)

An injured man reacts after an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale on February 20, 2023 in the southern Turkish province of Hatay, Antakya.  6 earthquakes with more than 41,000 deaths in the country, according to the disaster relief organization AFAD.  (Photo by Sameer Al-DOUMY/AFP) (Photo by SAMEER AL-DOUMY/AFP via Getty Images)

An injured man on the street in Antakya responds (Image: AFP/Getty)

Turkey’s civil protection agency AFAD has urged residents to stay away from the Mediterranean coast because of a possible 50-centimetre rise in water caused by the quake.

Burhan Abdelrahman, who was living in a tent when the ground started shaking, said: “It was very strong. It shook us off our seats.

He added: “I called relatives in Syria, Adana, Mersin, Izmir, everywhere to check on them.”

An estimated 46,000 people died after the two earthquakes that hit the same region on Feb. 6.

The disaster has also left more than a million people in the region homeless.
