Children sit around a small table with snacks they received from a free delivery service in Bucha (Photo: AP)

Russia is accused of overseeing “the largest state-sponsored child abduction case in modern history”.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba filed the complaint with the United Nations Security Council, where 141 member states voted in favor of a UN resolution calling for Moscow’s withdrawal.

He told the gathering on the anniversary of the invasion: “The goal of the plan is to get Russia out of Ukraine and make the world a safer place.”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that 12 months after the start of the war with Vladimir Putin, “life for the people of Ukraine is hell”.

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But Mr. Kuleba remained defiant, stating: “Dear councillors, Ukraine will resist as it has done so far. And Ukraine will win.

“Putin will lose much faster than he thinks.”

He then warned the Russian troops that they would eventually have to appear before a Nuremberg tribunal and explain their horrific actions.

Referring to the years-long invasion, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told the council: “When President Putin failed to break the Ukrainian military, he stepped up his efforts to break the Ukrainian spirit.

In the past year, Russia has killed tens of thousands of Ukrainian men, women and children, displaced more than 13 million people from their homes, destroyed more than half of the country’s power grid, bombed more than 700 hospitals, hijacked 2,600 schools, and so on. at least 6,000 Ukrainian children – some as young as four months old – and moved to Russia.

And yet the spirit of the Ukrainians is unbroken. In any case, it is stronger than ever.”

At the same time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed at a press conference that “victory is inevitable” if all their allies “do their homework”.

“I really want every partner to stay strong, stay united for our win, because this will be a win over values,” he added.

“I am confident that we will take this win quickly. We have everything we need to make it this year.”
