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Government of Colombia presents “ambitious” labor reform with social justice

Government of Colombia presents “ambitious” labor reform with social justice

Government of Colombia presents “ambitious” labor reform with social justice

He Colombian government This Thursday he presented his labor reform project, defined as “ambitious“to improve the conditions and income of workers”in a world that demands social justice from us”.

The event, which began three hours late, was headed by the Minister of Labor, Gloria Ines Ramirezaccompanied by the vice president France Marquezthe Minister of the Interior, alfonso pradaand other officials, while the president Gustavo Petro arrived for closing.

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We can say that we have the most ambitious labor reform of this century”, Ramírez said at the event, which took place in the Plaza de Armas of the Narino Palacethe presidential seat.

According to Ramírez, the text that will be sent to Congress for discussion and approval, “It will allow us to move towards a society that recognizes the importance of labor human rights, dignifying the value of production from a human sense”.

The minister stressed that the reform that will now begin its legislative process “guarantee the labor rights of the nearly 22 million employed persons in the country, of whom 8,992,000 are women and 13 million are men”.

After emphasizing that the reform project was discussed by the Government with the companies, unions and workers, Ramírez said that a fundamental part of this initiative is “labor formalization with decent wages that allow well-being for Colombian families”.

world in crisis

President Petro arrived at the end of the act to symbolically sign the bill together with Ramírez and gave a closing speech in which he highlighted the agitation for social demands that is taking place in other parts of the world, such as France, due to the extension of the retirement age.

Today, if you look Parisif we look Colombiaif we look Latin Americathere is a resurgence of the struggles for the dignity of work, even of the struggles for more free time, which is where the wealth of the spirit and the quality of life can be built”, he assured.

The president referred to the increase in social inequalities “on the entire planet Earth that had not been lived since the years before World War I” and said that the only way to overcome the economic crisis “is that families have a better income, that they can build a greater internal market in the countries and that they can overcome poverty”.

The time has come again when we can discuss the dignity of work, what this project presents is a world chapter from Colombia on the dignity of work”, he expressed.

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According to Petro, the bill also “must allow sexual and labor harassment to cease in the country” because, according to what he said, the currently existing temporary contracts end up being a form of pressure on workers.

Employment stability

For her part, the minister explained that “the centrality (of the project) is job stability as a protective form where the form of employment contract will be the indefinite term contract, without ignoring the value of other forms”, such as work or for a specific task.

Another pillar of the reform is the “work day recovery”, as Ramírez defined the return to the 12-hour night shift, which was reduced to 9 by a 2002 law.

The project presented today establishes that the night shift will begin at six in the afternoon and end at six in the morning.

It is social justice to recover a right and that our working day will be in accordance with nature; day will be day and night will be night”, sentenced the minister.

The initiative also includes “flexible hours that make family life compatible with personal life and work”, he indicated.

union rights

Ramírez also emphasized the “collective right to work” to refer to the trade union movement as an important element of this initiative, which he defined as “the most progressive reform of the last 30 years in favor of social organization, recognizing that unionism is part of our democratic essence”.

The head of Labor explained that the initiative also includes sectors that have traditionally been marginalized from labor laws, such as domestic service employees and peasants “that today are in the informal sector”.

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According to the minister, for the drafting of this reform project, the cases of Mexico, Spain, Chili and Argentinawhich allowed us to know legal experiences” around the labor reforms made in those countries.

The reform presented today is the third promoted by the Petro government, which last year obtained the approval of the tax, in February it presented the health reform and before the end of this month it will take the reform of the pension system to Congress.

Source: Elcomercio

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