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After going to Crimea, Putin visits Mariupol on his first trip to Donbas

After going to Crimea, Putin visits Mariupol on his first trip to Donbas

After going to Crimea, Putin visits Mariupol on his first trip to Donbas

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putinmade a working visit to the city of Mariupolon his first trip to DonbasThe Kremlin reported today.

According to the press office of the Russian Presidency, the president arrived by helicopter in that city in the south of the region of Donetskon the shores of the sea Azovwhich last year was the scene of fierce fighting.

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During the visit, Putin toured various neighborhoods in the city in a car, which he drove himself, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnulinwhich informed him of the progress of construction and reconstruction work in and around Mariupol.

In particular, it involved the construction of new housing units, social and educational centers, infrastructures, and medical institutions.”, added the Kremlin press office, which did not specify the duration of the visit.

Shortly after, the Russian Presidency reported that Putin met in rostov-on-donin the south of Russiawith the command of the military campaign in Ukraine.

The head of state listened to the reports of the chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimovand other military commanders”, adds the press release.

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This Saturday, Putin made a surprise trip to the peninsula of crimea on the ninth anniversary of its annexation by Russia.

The president visited the Art School and the Korsun children’s center in chersonesuson the outskirts of the port of Sevastopolthe main base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Source: Elcomercio

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