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Ephemeris of March 22: What happened in the world on a day like today?

Ephemeris of March 22: What happened in the world on a day like today?

Ephemeris of March 22: What happened in the world on a day like today?

He March 22 In 1895, the Lumiére brothers screened in public the first film ever made in the world: “The workers leaving the Lumiére factory”.


1369.- Henry of Trastamarawith the help of the French warrior Beltran Duguesclinhe kills his brother Peter IKing of Castile.

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1506.- Ferdinand the Catholicwidower of Elizabeth I of Castilewill marry with Germana de Foixniece of the French king Louis XII.

1789.- Proclamation of the Helvetic Republic.

1793.- The German Confederation declares war on France.

1820.- The Argentine province of Tucumán proclaims itself an independent state.

1848.- Proclamation of the Republic of San Marcosin Venicewhich is released from Austria.

1855.- Ramón Pintó is executed in Cubawhen the independence conspiracy in which he was involved was discovered.

1873.- The National Assembly of the Republic Spanish approves the abolition of slavery in Puerto Rico.

1895.- The lumiere brothers publicly screened the first film ever made in the world: “The departure of workers from the Lumiere factory”.

1904.- The American newspaperDaily Illustrated Mirror” publishes for the first time in history a color photograph.

1910.- Peru and Chile break their diplomatic relations for disputes over the provinces of tacna and Arica.

1934.- He is re-elected president of the Republic of Uruguay the doctor gabriel terra.

1936.- The Argentinian Mountaineer John George Link makes the first solo reconnaissance of the aconcaguain the Andesthe highest peak in the American continent.

[1945- Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan (current Jordan), Lebanon, Syria and Yemen constitute in Cairo the League of Arab States.

1963.- british band the Beatles releases his first albumPlease Please Me”.

1968.- The student revolt began that would lead to the “french may”.

1983.- Australian scientists a frozen embryo is successfully implanted in a woman.

1993.- Intel launches the first Pentium series processorwhich achieves a higher processing speed although it increases the technical requirements of the computer that supports it.

1994.- New papal document that prohibits priests from political and union militancy.

nineteen ninety six.- Russia, belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan decide to sign a preferential integration agreement within the CIS.

1997.- He Parliament of Poland approved by a large majority the first democratic constitution from the country.

1998.- The Serbian province of Kosovo holds elections unauthorized that gave victory to the independence party Kosovar Democratic League (LDK) of Ibrahim Rugova.

2002.- Finish her Conference on Financing for Development held in Monterrey with the approval of the “Monterrey Consensus”, a document that demands transparency from poor countries in exchange for financing.

2004.- the sheikh Ahmed Yasinfounder and spiritual leader of Hamasis killed in Gazawhen hit by an air-to-surface missile launched by the Israeli army.

2006.- The Argentine government orders the total opening of the secret military archives during the years of military dictatorship (1976-1983).

2010.- Google diverts its search engine in China to its portal in Hong Kong to avoid censorship by the Beijing government.

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2011.- A Israeli court sentences former president Moshe Katsav to seven years for rape and sexual assault.

2016.- 32 people die and the 3 suicide bombers in two attacks of inspiration jihadist at the airport and the bus line Brussels metro (Belgium).

– The US President Barack Obamapraises the courage of the Cuban dissidencewhose representatives and other activists he met on the last day of his historic visit to Cuba.

2021.- He first ever tweet, sent in 2006, sold as NFT for 2.4 million euros.


1599.- Anton Van DickFlemish painter.

1869.- Emilio Aguinaldoone of the leading leaders of the Philippine insurrection.

1912.- Karl MaldenAmerican actor.

1921.- Nino ManfrediItalian actor and director.

1923.- Marcel MarceauFrench actor and mime.

1930.- pat robertsonAmerican evangelical televangelist.

1937.- Angelo BadalamentiAmerican musician and composer.

1941.- Bruno GanzSwiss actor.

1943.- George BensonAmerican jazz singer and musician.

1948.- Andrew Lloyd WebberBritish composer.

1949.- John Benjamin ToshackBritish former footballer and soccer manager.

1956.- Maria TeresaHeirloom Grand Duchess of Luxembourg.

1967.- Mario CipolliniItalian cyclist.

1975.- Jirí NovakCzech tennis player

1999.- Mick SchumacherGerman racing driver, son of Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher.


1832.- Johann Wolfgang GoetheGerman writer.

1986.- Michele SindonaItalian banker.

1994.- Walter LantzAmerican cartoonist, creator of “Pájaro Loco”.

2008.- Israel Lopez “Cachao”Cuban musician.

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2009.- Awilda CarbiaPuerto Rican actress.

2014.- Craig HillAmerican actor.

2018.- Israel “Shorty” CastroPuerto Rican comedian, actor and musician.

Source: Elcomercio

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