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Chaos, disorder and clashes in Paris on a new date for protests against pension reform |  PHOTOS

Chaos, disorder and clashes in Paris on a new date for protests against pension reform | PHOTOS

Chaos, disorder and clashes in Paris on a new date for protests against pension reform |  PHOTOS

The ninth day of protests called by the unions against the liberal president’s pension reform Emmanuel Macron brought together 1,089 million people in France this Thursday, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior.

That official figure is about 200,000 people less than the mobilization record registered on March 7. The CGT union center estimated in both cases that there were 3.5 million protesters.

The march in Paris broke a record with 119,000 demonstrators, according to the ministry, and 800,000. according to the CGT union.

The day of strike and demonstrations is the first since Macron decided to adopt his unpopular reform by decree, against which all unions and two out of three French are opposed, according to polls.

This decision, announced last Thursday and confirmed on Monday with the rejection of two motions of no confidence against the government, generated a worsening of tension in France.

Since then, hundreds of people, mostly young people, have participated in spontaneous protests, marked at times by the burning of rubbish bins and accusations of police violence.

The mobilization of this Thursday, where riots were registered in Paris and other cities such as Rennes or Nantes, was announced key to knowing if the unions will be able to maintain the protests over time.

Its objective is the withdrawal of the plan that delays the retirement age from 62 to 64 years by 2030 and advances to 2027 the requirement to contribute 43 years, and not 42 as up to now, to collect a full pension.

The saga of the pension reform entered a phase of wear and tear, with an inflexible government eager to leave behind the social conflict and an opposition –political, union and popular– willing to keep up the pulse and even toughen it up. .

Source: Elcomercio

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