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AMLO promises that there will be no impunity after the fire that killed 39 migrants in Ciudad Juárez

AMLO promises that there will be no impunity after the fire that killed 39 migrants in Ciudad Juárez

AMLO promises that there will be no impunity after the fire that killed 39 migrants in Ciudad Juárez

The Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorpromised that there will be no impunity after the fire that killed 39 migrants, but evaded answering if the head of the National Institute of Migration (INM) will resign and if the private security company in charge of the immigration station belongs to a Nicaraguan consul.

Tell them that there will be no impunity, that those responsible will be punishedand I spoke with the prosecutor (general, Alejanrdro Gertz) to ask him not to have any kind of consideration other than to do justice. That they act with professionalism, absolute freedom”, declared this Thursday in his daily press conference.

LOOK HERE | How the tragedy began in Ciudad Juárez and why Mexico has become the US immigration police.

The scrutiny of the Government of Mexico has grown since Monday’s fire at an INM migration station in Ciudad Juárez, on the border with the United States, where there were almost 70 migrants from Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela held for their deportation.

Leaked security videos show impassive agents while detained migrants asked them to open the door, and compatriots of the victims have denounced that the tragedy “could have been avoided.”

But the president avoided answering if the company Servicios Especializados de Investigación y Custody (Seicsa) was in charge of the private security of the immigration center and is owned by Elías Gerardo Valdés, Nicaraguan consul in Nuevo León and Coahuila, who has received multimillion-dollar contracts from the Government, as reported by the LatinUs media.

REVIEW | Mexico identifies 8 responsible for fatal fire in immigration center

“Your question will be answered, but I do not want to get involved because, since the investigation is open, I do not want to disclose data or alleged facts, everything that is coming out of the investigations, and that this is not going to be used to Those responsible can resort to shelters or protect themselves,” he argued.

Similarly, he evaded demanding the resignation of Francisco Garduño, head of the INM, despite the claims of the opposition and human rights defenders.

“Everyone is going to wait for the result of the investigation, as appropriate, it will be the Prosecutor’s Office, to initiate the corresponding judicial processes,” he mentioned when questioned about the issue.

SEE ALSO | Venezuelan church calls for justice for migrants killed in fire in Mexico

The Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) announced Wednesday that it has identified eight alleged perpetrators of the fire, including two federal agents, a state immigration agent and five agents from the private security company.

López Obrador warned that this Thursday at 3:00 p.m. local time (21:00 GMT), the SSPC will offer another press conference on the facts.

“Today at 3 in the afternoon, the punishment of those allegedly responsible for these unfortunate events will be reported, and what I reiterate first is my condolences to the family, it is a very painful matter, very very very sad,” he said.

Source: Elcomercio

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