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Ecuador: Police deactivate alleged explosive device attached to the body of a man

Ecuador: Police deactivate alleged explosive device attached to the body of a man

Ecuador: Police deactivate alleged explosive device attached to the body of a man

The Police of Ecuador defused this Thursday an alleged explosive device attached to the body of a man in the port city of Guayaquil, one of the hardest hit by crime in the Andean country.

“The effective intervention of the anti-explosives unit of the Police allowed to deactivate and remove the artifact placed on the body of the citizen”, indicated the institution of order in a message on his Twitter account.

The Police added that the subject “is in good custody”, and included in the message a video in which the man can be seen, in a shirt and pants, walk next to a police officer from the anti-explosive unit dressed in a security suit.

Shortly before, the Police had posted a message on their social network with the photograph of the man wearing a dark vest over his shirt. on which two red cylindrical artifacts appear on the right side of the chest and one on the left, attached by cables that encircled the subject’s neck.

This material was attached with packing tape to the citizen’s vest, who was taken from the place by ambulance, according to the governor (government delegate) of the province of Guayas, Francesco Tabacchi.

What the Police have achieved is to extract the person who was carrying him, take him out in an ambulance and take him away for the respective interrogation because we must go to the last consequences ”Tabacchi told reporters.

The Police have not yet informed about the type of deactivated material, and it is unknown who placed it on the man, as well as the reasons for the fact.

I congratulate the courage and professional work of our police server and the anti-explosive team, by deactivating the explosive device of the citizen in Guayaquil”, pointed out the general commander of the National Police of Ecuador, Faust Salinas.

Source: Elcomercio

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