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Trump travels to New York on Monday and appears Tuesday afternoon before a judge

Former US President donald trumpaccused in the case of an irregular payment to the porn actress stormy danielswill travel on Monday from Miami to NY to appear before the judge on Tuesday afternoon, CNN reported.

Specifically, your appointment with the judge will be at 2:15 p.m. local timea visit that has generated enormous expectation and for that reason the court has canceled other less important ones to avoid the traffic of people on foot in the building for security reasons.

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Various media have ensured that the list of charges that the judge will communicate to him -and that have not yet been made public- is more than thirty, all related to the payment to Daniels of $130,000 (120,000 euros) and the possible concealment of that amount as election expenses.

Weekend, Trump He will spend it in his mansion in Mar-a-Lago, where he has been for months and where yesterday, after hearing his accusation, he went out to dinner with his wife Melania in an apparent stamp of normality, according to images collected by the newspaper New York Post.

Today your lawyer Joe Tacopina clarified that Trump will not be handcuffed on the short journey between the prosecutor’s office and the prosecutor’s office Judge Juan Manuel Merchanand this despite the fact that many “they want me to be walked” For the police.

He has also specified that he will not plead guilty and has chosen to go to trial.

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What seems inescapable for Trumpas in the case of any defendant who is read the charges, is the process of “signed”: fingerprinting and frontal and profile photography.

Trump He has not remained silent during today’s session: in addition to posting on his network TruthSocial testimony from many Republican supporters, he charged at Judge Merchan handling his case, saying he “hates” him and has actually been planted there by Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg, against whom he has some kind of personal crusade.

It was feared that the imputation of Trump cause his supporters to take to the streets, but in NY none have been seen so far and only a few dozen in the surroundings of Mar-a-Lago with American banners and flags, specifically on the bridge that connects Palm Beach with the mainland.

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Source: Elcomercio

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