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Volodymyr Zelensky will visit Warsaw on Wednesday and give a public speech

Volodymyr Zelensky will visit Warsaw on Wednesday and give a public speech

Volodymyr Zelensky will visit Warsaw on Wednesday and give a public speech

the presidency of Poland announced this Monday the visit next Wednesday to warsaw of the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskywho will meet his Polish counterpart, Andrzej Dudain what will be his first official trip to Poland since the outbreak of the war.

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The head of the office of the Polish president, Marcin Przydaczannounced this Monday on RMF radio that “It has been agreed with the Ukrainian side to make this visit public in advance”unlike other occasions, in which Zelensky I travel to Poland without prior announcement and unofficially.

in the program Zelensky there is a public appearance in the Castle plazain the center of Warsaw, from where according to przydacz “President Zelensky he wants to address the Poles in the context of what happened last year: how the Poles help Ukraine, their refugees at the border and by opening the doors of their homes to them.”

The presidential spokesman added that “everyone can see” to the president of Ukraine in that place, where giant screens will be installed and a massive attendance is expected.

“It will be a very special visit”commented przydaczSo, although Volodymyr Zelensky has been in Poland on several occasions in the past year, so far it has involved travel “secrets or as a stopover during the trip to other capitals.”

For his part, the spokesman for the Polish government, Michal Dworczykconfirmed this Monday on his social networks that Zelensky He will also meet with the Prime Minister, Mateusz MorawieckiWednesday afternoon.

In addition to talks on security and the course of the war, the Ukrainian president is expected to discuss with the Polish authorities issues of economic cooperation and the importation of Ukrainian cereals into Poland”.

“We want the agenda to be as complete as possible”, the spokesman pointed out przydacz.

On February 10, Zelensky met Duda in the Polish city of Rzeszów (east), which has become the logistics point for the shipment of arms and supplies to Ukraine from Poland.

Source: Elcomercio

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