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The number of migrants killed by fire in Mexico rises to 40

The number of migrants killed by fire in Mexico rises to 40

The number of migrants killed by fire in Mexico rises to 40

The number of deaths from the fire at a detention center for migrants in a locality mexican border with USA It rose to 40 after the death of one of the injured, the government reported Monday.

The death of the migrant, whose identity was not revealed, occurred after he had been transferred by an air ambulance from Juarez City (north) -where the accident occurred- until the National Center for Research and Care for Burns (CENIAQ) in Mexico Cityreported the Secretary of Security.

LOOK HERE: They give preventive detention to five detainees for fire in the immigration station in Ciudad Juárez

Unfortunately, one of the victims lost his life when he arrived at CENIAQ, so at the moment 40 people have died and 27 are injured.the agency added in a statement.

In addition to the deceased, five other injured were airlifted to the Mexican capital over the weekend.derived from the medical assessment of specialists” of the CENIAQ and the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases.

Of the 27 injured, 23 remain hospitalized while this Monday “The arrival of more victims to the country’s capital will continue, so that they receive the specialized care they require, given their health condition.”, added the Security office.

Five of the patientsshowing a noticeable improvement“They were transferred to a temporary social security hospital in Ciudad Juárez to facilitate the interviews that the Mexican prosecutor’s office is conducting as part of the investigation of the incident, the authority detailed.

The Secretary of Security and other government agencies also met with representatives of Guatemala, The Savior, Honduras and Venezuela to inform them about the care provided to its citizens, the statement said.

The authorities confirmed last Friday the capture of the migrant accused of causing the fire, who was detained along with four other people: three of them officials of the Migration’s national institute (INM) and a private security guard.

The sixth suspect, charged by the prosecution, is another private guard who remains on the run.

MORE INFORMATION: “We came with three children from Venezuela looking for a better life and I almost lost my husband in the fire in Ciudad Juárez”

During the fire at the immigration station, which was closed by the government, 18 Guatemalans, seven Salvadorans, seven Venezuelans, six Hondurans and one Colombian died.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorwho has guaranteed that the case will not remain in the “impunity”, visited Ciudad Juárez on Friday to verify the care given to the victims.

There, fifty migrants protested around the vehicle that was transporting them, denouncing that they are criminalized for trying to seek a better future in USA.

Source: Elcomercio

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