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A client was saved by seconds from a deadly explosion in a laundry in Spain |  VIDEO

A client was saved by seconds from a deadly explosion in a laundry in Spain | VIDEO

A client was saved by seconds from a deadly explosion in a laundry in Spain |  VIDEO

A client of a laundry in the city of La Coruña, Spain, was saved by a few seconds from a potentially lethal explosion that occurred on the premises. The event was recorded by one of the store’s security cameras, which recorded the moment in which the man withdrew just before the explosion of a washing machine that caused all kinds of damage.

According to the local portal abcthe shocking episode, which became public in the last hours, happened on March 14 in the Auga e Xabón laundry on Marismas streetin Mesoiro, next to the Pocomaco polygon in A Coruña.

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The video of the event shows how a customer, whose identity was not disclosed, approached the exit door of the premises in the afternoon with several bags. Then she opened it with difficulty and he retired as it slowly closed behind him. From that moment, a few seconds passed until the unthinkable happened: the washing machine closest to the entrance opened suddenly, ejected several clothes and immediately after exploded and released a flame that reached the door.

As a result of the explosion, all the front of the premises was destroyed. The window and the glass door were shattered and pieces of the ceiling and various objects placed both inside and outside the place also flew through the air.

In statements to the aforementioned medium, sources from the La Coruña firefighting service confirmed that the focus of the accident was a lighter recharger that a customer had left inside one of the washing machines.

Despite the power of the explosion, the spokesmen added that the explosion did not affect the structure of the building and that the firefighters limited themselves to removing some structures from the premises that did have a risk of falling. On the other hand, they pointed out that there were no injuriessince no one was left in the laundry once the client who was recorded by the security cameras left the premises.

Source: Elcomercio

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