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Chile: Boric promulgates in record time a controversial rule that gives more powers to the Police in the use of weapons

Chile: Boric promulgates in record time a controversial rule that gives more powers to the Police in the use of weapons

Chile: Boric promulgates in record time a controversial rule that gives more powers to the Police in the use of weapons

Chilean President, gabriel boricpromulgated this Thursday, in record time, a package of security measures among which is the controversial Nain-Retamal lawdispatched yesterday in Congress, in response to the death of a police officer who was shot in the head during an operation this morning.

The controversial law, which drew criticism from the UN, grants the militarized Carabineros police more freedom of maneuver in the use of firearms through the so-called “privileged legitimate defense”, which exempts the police from proportionality except when it comes to property protection.

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The norm was promulgated in a cabinet council that began with a minute of silence in respect of the deceased policeman, the third to die in the middle of a police operation in less than a month.

Along with this norm, other laws were also enacted that were dispatched by Congress this week as part of the so-called “fast-track” in security matters agreed upon by the Government and Congress after the death of another police officer last week.

The other laws promulgated today raise the penalties for crimes such as kidnapping; they toughen the regulation on arms control; they classify the crime of extortion and give more tools to Gendarmerie officials to investigate crimes in prisons.

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First thing in the morning, the Ministers of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, and the Government spokesperson, Camila Vallejo, already announced that the law would be promulgated this Thursday, as a political gesture by the Government towards the Carabineros.

Last night, as soon as the policeman’s death was confirmed, the opposition requested the publication of the regulations through a statement. With the promulgated law, the possibility of parliamentarians from the ruling party – from the Communist Party and the left-wing Frente Amplio coalition – going to the Constitutional Court, as announced yesterday, to stop the provision that grants more powers to the police is halted.

“A requirement for the entry of a constitutionality requirement is that (it is presented) five days from the dispatch of the law until the law has been promulgated. Therefore, it is an alternative that today is ruled out based on government announcements, ”said the deputy from the Frente Amplio Catalina Pérez this morning.

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During today’s session, the president is expected to hold meetings with high-ranking authorities from the Legislative, Judicial, Prosecutor’s, and Comptroller’s offices to discuss their needs to deal with the increase in violent crimes affecting civilians and police.

The first to participate in the round of conversations were, precisely, the representatives of the police. First thing in the morning, the General Director of the Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, met with Boric and the Ministers of the Interior and Justice to discuss the actions to follow.

Source: Elcomercio

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