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Holy Week in Venezuela: Super Mustache dolls, corrupt politicians and Joe Biden burn in the Burning of Judas

‘Super Mustache’ puppets, a character that introduces the president Nicolas Maduro like a superhero in state propaganda, officials arrested for corruption and political leaders burned this Sunday in Venezuela during the Burning of Judas, a tradition that closes Holy Week in the country.

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“You have been a traitor! (…) Everything has gone to the ground, ”she told the AFP agency Gregoria Cordero, 75, after the burning of a Super Mustache doll made with old clothes and a cartoon of Maduro by hand on a cardboard, in Barquisimeto, Lara state (west).

Every Resurrection Sunday, in Catholic Holy Week, Venezuelans light rag dolls on fire that emulate characters or situations that occurred in this Caribbean nation.

There was controversy in an upper-class sector of Barquisimeto, where Police seized a Super Mustache dollbut on the other side of the city, in a popular neighborhood, neighbors managed to burn theirs.

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Representations of ‘corrupt’ politicians were common in Caracassome with the effigy of those captured in the “anti-corruption crusade” that the government has been carrying out for a few weeks, and that leaves more than 50 detainees, most of them linked to the state oil company PDVSA.

He betrayed us (…) Everything this mafia did did a lot of damage to people. has no forgiveness”, commented the Chavista activist Yugli Alvarado, 57, before the burning of a doll of Hugbel Roa, a deputy detained in these operations.

Bunches of old banknotes taken out of circulation to be diluted by inflation and the depreciation of the local currency, the bolivar, stood out from the puppet’s pockets.

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A four-headed doll was burned by opponents in La Candelaria, in the center of Caracas, with photos of Maduro, the Defense Minister, General Vladimir Padrino; the pro-government mayor of Caracas; Carmen Melendez; and the now former Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami, who resigned after the corruption scandal.

There was no shortage of one of Chavismo’s favorite targets: the United States.

In the popular Caracas neighborhood of El Valle, a three-headed cardboard snake was burned: one, the US president, Joe Biden; another, the opposition leader Maria Corina Machado; and the last, an indeterminate man, the ‘corrupt’.

His actor? Julio César Gutiérrez, a 79-year-old man who has made Judas for more than five decades.

“We are going to keep the tradition alive (…), it is part of us,” he told AFP.

Source: Elcomercio

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