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Taiwan: France for ‘status quo’ and seeking ‘peace’, says Macron

After visiting the Netherlands, Emmanuel Macron returned to the controversy caused by his statements on Sunday. France is for the “status quo” and the search for a “peaceful settlement”, he assured. “The worst thing would be to think that we Europeans should be followers” ​​on the issue of Taiwan and adapt to the American rhythm and China’s overreaction,” the head of state said in an interview with the website. and the French economic daily Les Échos, published on Sunday.

A little earlier this Wednesday, a French diplomatic source suggested ambiguous statements by the head of state. “We are not supporters of the United States for the simple reason that the president wants European sovereignty,” the source emphasized. “We are allies of the United States, reliable, firm, loyal allies, but we are allies who make decisions for themselves,” she reminded, however.

Emmanuel Macron’s remarks were immediately interpreted as distancing from Washington, while the United States has also been very committed to Ukraine since the start of the Russian offensive. “The President of the Republic fully shares his point of view,” the diplomatic source insisted.

The President’s remarks were also seen as placing the main responsibility for tensions in the region on the Americans. “The head of state knows that Joe Biden does not want war,” a French diplomatic source replied. During his trip to China last week, “Xi Jinping told him that he was in favor of a peaceful solution and was not in a hurry with Taiwan,” she added.

Voltage resumption

China is suspected of wanting to invade the island to bring it back under its rule. Tensions in this area have escalated in recent days as Beijing perceived as a threat last week’s meeting between Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and US government third-in-command Kevin McCarthy. China has held military exercises in recent days to put pressure on the island.

France is not indifferent to tensions over Taiwan, a diplomatic source said. “The president didn’t say we wouldn’t care about Taiwan’s security, didn’t say we wouldn’t be there to protect the open Indo-Pacific,” she added. She said a French frigate also crossed the Taiwan Strait just as China was conducting its exercises.

Paris also deplored Donald Trump’s “obscene words” against Emmanuel Macron following his visit to China. “Macron, who is a friend, licks his ass with China,” the former US president said on Tuesday. During a visit to the Forbidden City in 2019, “Donald Trump was sentenced I can’t blame China (I can’t blame China),” the diplomatic source recalled.

Source: Le Parisien

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