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Mexico: AMLO sells the controversial presidential plane to Tajikistan

The president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorreported this Thursday that the controversial presidential plane, which his government had offered since the beginning of his administration in December 2018, was sold to the government of Tajikistanwhich made a deposit of 1,658 million pesos (about 92 million dollars and 82 million euros).

I inform the people of Mexico that today the purchase-sale contract of the presidential plane was concluded”, López Obrador wrote in a message on social networks that was accompanied by a video showing the aircraft and being seen occupying a seat.

LOOK HERE: AMLO announces a possible agreement to sell the presidential plane that he has been offering since the beginning of his government

The government of Tajikistan deposited 1,658 million 684,400 pesos, in accordance with the official appraisal, to the account of the Institute to Return the Stolen to the People”, he added.

In addition, the president confirmed that the money obtained will be invested in two hospitals, in tlapa, Warrior and in Tuxtepec, oaxacasouthern Mexico, which will be built by military engineers and inaugurated before the end of their term, in September 2024.

The Mexican president had said on several occasions that he would not sell it for less than 110 million dollars, the value of the first appraisal, because it was a waste of money, but in the end he did not receive that amount.

This Thursday, López Obrador announced the possible agreement in the morning in his daily conference.

There is an agreement (…) I don’t know if it has already been signed, so we are going to wait, but there is that possibility”, declared the president.

Since he assumed the Presidency in December 2018, López Obrador tried to sell the Boeing 787 acquired by the president Felipe Calderon (2006-2012) for a controversial price of 218.7 million dollars, but which arrived in Mexico in 2016 during the presidency of Enrique Pena Nieto (2012-2018)

López Obrador, who even tried to raffle off the vehicle in the National Lottery in 2020, has alleged on various occasions that the aircraft is “very luxurious” and “very extravagant”, reason why his Government has not been able to sell it, although it was one of the main promises of his campaign.

The plane is being seen, there is the possibility of it being sold, I can’t say more”, he exposed to the press while he advanced the idea that the money would be for the construction of the aforementioned hospitals.

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The last time he spoke about a possible buyer was last June, when he stated that the Argentine Government he was interested in the aircraft.

The president, who promotes an image of austerity in the government, has chosen not to use the plane and travel on commercial flights, in addition to prohibiting public officials from using it.

The aircraft is in the hands of the Mexican Army, which stores it at the military base in the St. Luciato the north of Mexico Citywhere the Government has offered to rent it for weddings, birthdays and corporate events.

Source: Elcomercio

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