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Why the Wagner Group threatens to withdraw from Bakhmut and claims that “Russia is on the brink of disaster”

Why the Wagner Group threatens to withdraw from Bakhmut and claims that “Russia is on the brink of disaster”

Why the Wagner Group threatens to withdraw from Bakhmut and claims that “Russia is on the brink of disaster”

Yevgeny Prigozhinthe commander and founder of the Russian private group of Wagner mercenaries, surprised at the weekend by saying that his men who have been fighting for months in the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut could withdraw. In addition, he warned that a counter-offensive by Ukraine could be “a tragedy” for Russia.

Prigozhin He said that his mercenaries will withdraw from Bakhmutthe city where the strongest fighting takes place, if they do not receive more ammunition to continue the fight.

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According to CNN, Yevgeny Prigozhin maintained that those responsible for the acquisition of weapons in Russia “They have stopped giving us ammunition.” The threat was made in an interview with the pro-Kremlin Russian blogger Semyon Pegovwho writes under the pseudonym of WarGonzo.

This video capture taken from a recording posted on April 6, 2023 shows Yevgeny Prigozhin at a cemetery for Wagner fighters. (AFP). (HANDOUT/)

The warning was addressed to the Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoiguand others responsible for the Russian military campaign in Ukraine.

“I’m going to Sergey Shoigu with the request that he deliver ammunition immediately. Now, if this is rejected… I consider it necessary to inform the commander-in-chief of the existing problems and make a decision on the feasibility of continuing to place units in the settlement of Bakhmutgiven the current shortage of ammunition”, said Prigozhin.

“We only have 10-15% of the ammunition we need,” he stressed.

“Do we continue with our assaults or not? Do we stay or do we go?” he continued. Prigozhin.

The location of Bakhmut.  (AFP).

The location of Bakhmut. (AFP).

He also referred to the high number of casualties that he is suffering in wagner group. “Every day we have piles of bodies that we put in coffins to send home,” he declared.

He remarked that the losses suffered at Bakhmut have been five times more than necessary due to lack of ammunition for the artillery.

A Ukrainian serviceman sits in his tank in a position near the town of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, on April 29, 2023. (Photo by Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP)

A Ukrainian serviceman sits in his tank in a position near the town of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, on April 29, 2023. (Photo by Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP) (DIMITAR DILKOFF/)

Then, he promised that his fighters will defend Bakhmut “every last round of ammunition” but claimed his supplies were down to a matter of days, not weeks.

The boss of the wagner group He also warned that a Ukrainian counter-offensive in mid-May could be “a tragedy” for Russia.

“We have to stop deceiving the population and tell them that everything is going well for us. I must say it honestly: Russia is on the verge of disaster”, he indicated.

A Ukrainian serviceman walks near shell-damaged residential buildings in the town of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, on April 23, 2023. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)

A Ukrainian serviceman walks near shell-damaged residential buildings in the town of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, on April 23, 2023. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP) (ANATOLII STEPANOV/)

More than 25,000 Russians are fighting in Bakhmut

the army of Ukraine reported Monday that more than 25,000 Russian soldiers and mercenaries are fighting Ukrainian forces in Bakhmutwhere the kyiv forces are beginning a counterattack.

“In front of Bakhmut25,600 troops, 65 tanks, 450 armored fighting vehicles, 154 guns, 56 multiple launch rocket systems are fighting against us. This is more than the army of the Czech Republic or Hungary”said the spokesman for the eastern group of the army, Serhiy Cherevatyin a comment to RBK-Ukraina, according to the EFE news agency.

The soldier added that the Russian casualties in the area of Bakhmut They amount to about 100 daily.

In addition, also this Monday the general Oleksandr Syrskyicommander of the eastern group of the armed forces of Ukrainereported that Ukrainian troops in Bakhmut They have forced the Russians to abandon some positions with their counterattacks.

“To advance, the enemy uses the maximum effort and does not care about anything”Syrskyi said.

He added that despite the significant losses, new assault groups from the wagner groupfighters from other private companies and paratroopers are constantly thrown into battle.

Despite this, “the enemy is unable to take control of the city of Bakhmut”Syrskyi argued.

Bakhmut It is the scene of bloody fighting between the Ukrainian and Russian forces led by the wagner group since August 2022.

According to the AFP agency, Ukrainian forces currently hold only a small part of western Bakhmutand the Russian occupation authorities claim to have 90% of the city, which is almost reduced to ruins and which at the time had some 70,000 inhabitants.

Source: Elcomercio

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