A drone loaded with 17kg of deadly explosives crashed just a few miles from where Putin was visiting this weekend

Ukraine allegedly tried to assassinate Vladimir Putin with a kamikaze drone filled with explosives.

Secret Service agents reportedly tried to assassinate the Russian leader, but their mission failed after the drone “crashed a few miles from its target”.

Ukrainian forces reportedly launched the UJ-22 drone on Sunday, loaded with 17 kilograms of C4 plastic explosives.

Putin was due to visit a newly constructed industrial area near Moscow this weekend, where the drone would explode and kill him, sources said.

The drone landed about 12 miles short of its intended target, it was reported

But before it reached the Rudnevo industrial zone, it crashed about 20 kilometers away, according to German website Bild.

She quoted a tweet from Ukrainian activist Yuri Romanenko, who claims close ties to Kiev’s intelligence services.

He claimed that Ukrainian intelligence agents had received “information” about Putin’s alleged trip and that the drone had crashed in the village of Voroskogo.

In a tweet quoted by Bild, Romanenko said: “Putin, we are getting closer. Did everyone see the news about the drone that flew to Moscow but did not explode?

So this drone flew for a reason.

Ukrainian troops allegedly launched the UJ-22 drone with 17 kilograms of explosives from Ukraine on Sunday, Bild claims.  Pictured: A Ukrainian drone that crashed near the village of Voroskogo - Yuriy Romanenko claimed that the UJ-22 drone was loaded with 17 kilograms of C4 plastic explosives that crashed in the village of Voroskogo, 20 kilometers east of the Rudnevo industrial park, who used Ukrainian troops in the assassination

The drone was loaded with explosives

“Last week, our intelligence officials received information about Putin’s trip to Rudnevo industrial area.

“Then our kamikaze drone took off, flew through all the air defenses of the Russian Federation and crashed not far from the industrial zone.”

Kiev has not yet officially responded to the allegations.

A UJ-22 drone with a range of 500 miles crashed near the village of Vorokogo on Sunday. Images posted on social media, including Telegram, showed the destroyed UAV in a forest near Moscow.

The drone was loaded with 30 C4 blocks of 17 kilograms of plastic explosives commonly used by the US military.

Putin propagandist Paval Zarubin said on Sunday morning that Putin plans to “visit an industrial park in Moscow,” without naming a date.

Videos posted on social media showed that the lawn in front of the Rudnevo industrial estate had been sprayed green.

It was said that this was in preparation for Putin’s arrival.

Ukrainian troops allegedly launched the UJ-22 drone with 17 kilograms of explosives from Ukraine on Sunday, Bild claims.  Pictured: A Ukrainian drone that crashed near the village of Voroskogo - Yuriy Romanenko claimed that the UJ-22 drone, loaded with 17 kilograms of C4 plastic explosives, crashed in the village of Voroskogo, 20 kilometers east of the industrial park Rudnevo, the one who crashed had used Ukrainian troops as part of the assassination

The wreckage of the drone that crashed in the village of Voroskogo near Moscow

Ukrainian drone

The drone would be an attack on Putin

But Russian state media said Putin will visit the Rudnevo industrial park today and hold a meeting on the development of unmanned aerial systems.

The TASS news agency said the Russian despot would monitor the development of the systems. The drone incident was not mentioned in the state media report.

Bild, however, quoted Romanenko as claiming that an assassination attempt had been made.

He said: “Considering how obsessed Putin is with his own security, this story could have a huge impact on the Kremlin towers.”

And Ukraine expert Sergey Sumlenny told the newspaper: “It is clear that a precision attack on the Russian head of state with a kamikaze drone is an almost impossible action.

“But the mere fact that such a drone would reach a place where Putin wants to stay is a slap in the face to the Russian dictator.”

Putin has previously claimed to have evaded numerous assassination attempts.

In 2017, Putin told filmmaker Oliver Stone that there had been five assassination attempts on him — and that he lived alone because of personal concerns for his own safety.
